Chapter 10

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Simon's POV

Me and JJ did exactly what the bouncers said. At 5:15am we stood outside near the back exit with Alex. I was so nervous, yet so excited. Millions of thoughts and questions were running through my head.

Does my hair look okay?

Will she turn up?

How's she doing?

All of these thoughts were giving me a headache to be honest.

"Oi, Alex. Where is she? I thought she'd be here by 5:15, it's twenty past now man, c'mon! Where is she?" JJ blurted out in annoyance. To be perfectly honest, I was thinking the same. Anna had always been punctual. You told her to meet you two minutes past the bell, and she'd be there two minutes past the bell, not a second before or after. I was getting a bit worried about her now. What if she was sick? What if she'd been seriously hurt in a car accident or something? What if she just didn't want to see us? These questions were eating away at my brain.

"Yeah, she should be here with Charles. She usually walks home with him at this time. I'll go inside and see what's going on. You guys stay here." Alex stated, walking through the broken door and disappearing into the building. Now it was just me and JJ.

"What if she just doesn't want to see us?" I asked timidly, looking down nervously at the floor.

"No, she's dying to see us again, Simon! We're her best friends!" JJ reassured be, but with no conviction. I knew that he was thinking the same as me. She just didn't love us anymore. 

Alex's POV

I walked into the building, leaving Simon and JJ to their own devices. I was actually pretty worried about her. It isn't like her to be late, especially when she's meeting her two closest friends. At the back of my mind, I knew something had happened. Something had happened to keep her away. But what? I walked over to Joey, who was by now submerging glasses into soapy water.

"Hey, joey!" I yelled, grabbing his attention. 

"Oh hey man, have you seen Anna? She said she'd be here after her dinner but hasn't shown. I'm kinda worried about her." he said. My heart sank. If he thought something was up, there was definitely something wrong. 

"N-no. What dinner?" I asked, confused. Anna hadn't gone out in a date since, well, she started working here.

"You didn't know? The boss asked her to go to dinner with him to The Shimmering earlier! I thought you knew?" he asked, retrieving one o the glasses from the water and drying it slowly.

"The boss?!?"I asked, panicking. No, she couldn't have gone out to dinner with the boss. She's not that stupid!

"Yeah, I know. He kind-of threatened her to go with him. I'm a bit worried now actually." he replied.

"Who threatened who?" Nina asked, appearing from the small changing room.

"The boss threatened Anna. To go on a date with him." I said, depression taking over my voice. We all knew that this wasn't good. Not at all.

"Oh." she replied, zipping up her coat. "Well, shouldn't we go check up on her then?" she asked.

"Yeah we really should. Joey how long 'ya gonna be?" I asked impatiently.

"I won't be done here for another half hour. You guys go, please. I need to know that she's alright." Joey said, still continuing to dry countless glasses. With that, we shot out of the back door back into the alleyway.


Me and Simon just stood there in silence, wondering. Wondering why she would ignore us. Why she was avoiding us. Then all of a sudden, Alex returned with a short ginger-haired girl who also looked concerned. 

"Who are they?" she asked Alex, pointing at us.

"They're Anna's old friends. They were supposed to meet her tonight but she didn't show." he answered, pushing her forwards a bit.

"Hi, I'm JJ, and this is Simon." I said, engulfing her in a hug. She pulled away from me and looked at me as if I were an alien. I could see how confused she was, but also how stressed she was. She was dying to do something.

"Nice to meet you two, now let's go!" she snapped, dragging Alex out of the alleyway.

"Go where?" Simon asked, completely confused. I on the other hand knew exactly where we were going. It was obvious!

"To see Anna! Now c'mon dumbasses!" she exclaimed, still tugging Alex's arm.

-Skipping journey there-

We all hopped out of the girl, which I found out was Nina's car and ran into the tall modern building. Wow, it was truly amazing. It stretched up into the cloud and the fact that all the doors and walls were glass made it all that much surreal. It was truly incredible. We all followed Nina like little dogs, until we were stopped by a mean looking tall woman.

"EXCUSE ME WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!"she screeched, blocking our path. We all stopped and looked at each other in confusion, until a savior, well, saved us from our doom.

"It's alright, Mary. I know the girl. They're probably a friend of one of the residents." a small woman in the thickest glasses I've ever seen said.

"Oh, and well are you?" the woman asked, towering over Nina.

"Yes, I'm Anna Mikaelson's friend, Nina." she clarified, looking the woman, or Mary, dead in the eyes.

"Ah, well sorry for that. You may proceed." she sighed, stepping aside. Then we ran to the lifts and let Nina guide us to Anna's flat. Then, when we arrived the door was slightly ajar.

"Something isn't right here. Anna never leaves her door open. She always locks it." Nina said saddened. 

"Oh my god!" Alex shouted, opening the door to reveal a wrecked living room.

"What the hell!?!" Simon and I both exclaimed, shocked and confused. The place was in pieces. The furniture had been thrown about and scratched. Frames and decorations laid on the floor in shattered pieces. Pillows and blankets had been thrown all over the room. Blood. Blood covered the floor and was splattered all over the walls. All of our faces went pale. We all stood there in shock of what we were seeing. All except for Nina. She'd wandered off into another part of the flat. Then we heard the most heartbreaking sound we'd ever heard. The sound of Anna, screaming, crying and broken.


WHAT HAPPENED : Simon and JJ turned up to meet Anna, but she wasn't there. Alex went to ask Joey where she was, where he learned that Anna had gone to dinner with the boss. This made both of them worry, and Nina overheard and her and Alex, along with Simon and JJ went to Anna's flat to see if there was something wrong. When they arrived, they were greeted with a horiffic scene that suggests that something terrible had happened.

Hi thank you all for reading that! Oh my god I'm so hyper right now I have 30 subscribers! I never thought that this would happen! Thank you all so so so much it really means a lot to me! Thank you! Love you all so so much!

-Anna Lovrette xx

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