Chapter 12

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Anna's POV

I woke up, my head pounding, my body still aching. I looked around the dimly lit room. Someone had tidied it up a bit, well, there was no more mess on the floor, but as for the blood. My blood. It still remained there, reminding me of the torture I'd endured. 

"Morning Anna." Nina said merrily, handing me a steaming cup of coffee. I looked up at her, tears escaping my eyes.

"I remember what happened!" I cried, looking down at the cup in shame.

"Anna, it wasn't your fault, okay? Listen to me! You didn't cause or deserve this. It's all that sick bastard's fault. You're completely innocent." Nina whispered as if she had read my mind. But no matter how much she'd comfort me, it was my fault. I'd asked for it. I should have never agreed to go to that dinner.

"But it is my fault. If I hadn't gone, it wouldn't have happened." I sighed, still staring blankly at the cup of coffee, moving it slightly in my palms so the liquid would roll into calming waves.

"Anna, you and I both know that it was his fault, okay? You didn't know that it was going to happen. You're the victim, so don't punish yourself." she soothed, setting herself down beside me and putting her hand instinctively on my stomach. I winced at the memories this gave me. Painful memories that swarmed furiously around my head, threatening to break it into millions of tiny pieces.

"Oh, shit. I forgot. Sorry." She apologized. "Anna, we took pictures of here. We also asked my old friend who works for the police to come here later to take in any evidence and to put your statements down on a record. She's promised to keep your name out of it for now, until you feel safe." she announced, as my eyes grew wider with every word.

"But, they'll know it was me. They always do! They'll kill me and everyone I love! I can't let that happen Nina!" I answered, horrified. 

"Anna, I promise that nothing bad will come of this, okay? Now come on, get changed into some pajamas or something. You don't want to be even more reminded of what happened."she said, before leaving the room. I did as she said, and put on some underwear and jogging bottoms, and then hid myself in the biggest hoodie I could find.

"Anna, are you okay?" I heard. Simon? I turned around and he was stood there, plain as day, a pained look in his eyes. He stepped closer towards me and opened his arms suggestively, which I gladly nestled into.

"Simon, why didn't you come back?" I whispered, my voice breaking.

"I'm sorry, we tried but whenever we wanted to something would come up. In the end, we just thought that it would be best to leave you alone so you could focus on university and stuff. We didn't know." Simon murmured, still wrapping himself around me protectively. I felt safe in his arms. As if I was at home. Then I felt another pair of arms wrap themselves around me. I looked up and saw JJ looking at me sorrowfully.

"This time, we're not leaving you Anna. We're staying. I promise." he spoke, a level of truth and maturity in his voice that I hadn't heard in a long long time. Then, we all returned to the hug. I truly did love these guys. My resentment for them had vanished. The hatred I'd felt for them because I blamed them leaving on every bad thing that had happened had gone. I felt as if no time had gone past since they left.

-Skipping police investigation-

Nina's POV

I held Anna's hand through the entire thing. Of course, the priority was the swabs, which had taken a lot of time as they just made Anna remember. I could see how much this was hurting her, but I couldn't watch her self-destruct again. After the swabs, my friend, along with two other higher-ranked officers who'd been present through the entire process, asked her questions and told her to put down any statements or details she remembered. They'd been in the office room for an hour and a half before they re-emerged, Anna's face stained with fresh and old tears. I hugged her, and she relaxed herself slightly.

"You're doing good, Anna. You're being so strong right now." JJ said, giving her a small smile, which seemed to have a knock-on effect on her. Thank god, she was happy.

"Alright now, Miss we'd like to bring you into a larger room so we can set the backdrop for the photographs." my friend announced, holding a camera in her hands.

"Photographs?!?" Anna exclaimed, scared.

"Yes, well we need them as more physical evidence for the attack, miss. I know it may be hard, but it's the only way we'll be able to have a full report." another policeman said.

Anna showed them into a spare bedroom which was almost completely empty, apart from a mattress that leaned against a wall and a few boxes. Then about half an hour later, they left the room. I'd heard sobs, but thought it was best to give her some privacy. Even though JJ and Simon had tried to force me to investigate and console her, I knew that I didn't have the right to do so. This was a formal investigation, and I couldn't ruin our only chance to get the monster behind bars. Therefore, I waited impatiently with Simon and JJ in the living area.

"Nina!" I heard her cry. She ran into my arms, as we both fell to the floor. She cried and cried and cried until she fell asleep. Of course, JJ and Simon had tried to comfort her, but of course nothing worked. She was broken, tired and exhausted. So I asked JJ to carry her up to her room and trusted him to stay here with her for the night. Simon had headed back to his house to upload videos on his and JJ's channels, which was apparently their jobs. I went back to the police station and waited for the forensic results. This was priority for me. I had to know if our chances of bringing the bastard to justice was good or not. The need to know was overwhelming.

-Skipping journey to the police station-

I'd been waiting at the station for hours. It was excruciating, knowing that I was so close to getting my answer. I'd been given dirty looks by some people, but I didn't care. I was here for Anna, and that's all that mattered. Anna, and avenging her.

   Eventually, I'd gotten bored and decided to make my fourth cup of steaming cheap horrible coffee. It kept me going somehow. It kept me focused. Then, I turned around from the breaking beverage machine and she was standing there with a sad look on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked, seriously worried. I'd known her for some years now, we even became really close friends at some stage, well, until I started working at the club. Even in all my years of knowing her, I'd never seen her look this worried before. It startled me.

"Just follow me. We can speak freely in one of the other rooms." she replied, leading the both of us into a bright blue interview room. I set the coffee down on the bare mettle table and sat myself down, as did she. She then slid a folder over to me. I reluctantly, yet desperately opened the folder, and then I grew pale with shock. Shivers were not only going down my spine, but all over my body. I felt sick just looking at it.

"I know. It's really bad. The results state that your friend had had intercourse forcefully, or has been raped at least on fifty separate occasions, even over a hundred times. i'm only telling you this because I trust that you won't reveal this to anyone that doesn't need to know." she said, but to be honest I was hardly concentrating on anything except for that folder. This wasn't just bad, it was horrific! Now I understand the constant pained look in her eyes. i understood why she was in so much pain. Now, I finally saw how strong she truly was. But, this could have serious effects on her for the rest of her life, not just emotionally hut healthily! I couldn't stand the fact that my best friend had gone through such things so many times, and hadn't told anyone or broken down. I just couldn't.


Hi everyone! Oh my god thank you guys so so much! I now have over fifty followers and over 80 reads on this book! Thank you so so much! Love you all and I wish you all a happy new year!!! 

-Anna Lovrette xx

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