Signs at the Movies

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Aries:  Eats 89% of your popcorn
Taurus: Talks through the whole movie
Gemini: Give you spoilers even if you don't want them
Cancer: Saw it the day before so they wouldn't freak out
Leo: "I'm not scared of the movie!"
Virgo: Knows every line of the movie
Libra: "Welcome to Film Theory!"
Scorpio: Probably preparing to pirate the movie
Sagittarius: *writing down dates of the new movies* OR *manly little girl screech*
Capricorn: Roots for the villain
Aquarius: either loved it or hated it
Pisces: wrote the screenplay version OR is in the movie
This was just for fun this does not reflect on anyone's personalities but just to poke some fun. -DSR87
PS: libra's is supposed to mean the make theories all the time

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