Signs as Family Members on Christmas

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Aries: The grandma whom roasts EVERYONE because, her house, her rules.
Taurus: That great-uncle that eats half his weight and then drinks a shit ton.
Gemini: The grumpy grandpa who's brother ate all the food and drank half of their fancy whiskey collection.
Cancer: The aunt/uncle that earnestly attempted to make something for the holidays and has cutesy wrapping paper.
Leo: The youngest uncle that can't wrap presents for shit, has literally the best Christmas stories.
Virgo: Your poor mother whom has to haul all the gifts, probably made more than half the meal, insists on having a perfect, traditional Christmas.
Libra: The 17 year old cousin you have that won't put down the Xbox controller and says lingo in every sentence.
Scorpio: That hot relative everyone desperately wants to bang, dirty mouth, biggest Santa believer, had tried to kidnap Santa 28 items.
Sagittarius: The uncle whom was almost to busy to make it, brings the beer, is the best with the kids.
Capricorn: That political grandfather people were hesitant to invite, will force on the topics that shouldn't be discussed at Christmas.
Aquarius: The grumpy 37 year old cousin you have that really didn't want to be there, but low and behold is there against their will.
Pisces: Your other 37 year old cousin that insists on watching every Christmas movie, wants you to go caroling, plays all the classic Christmas songs. On repeat.

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