Four: -20. -01. -15.

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Back - Namjoon

Finally, out again. I banged my fists against the steering wheel along to the beat of the music that Taehyung had blaring out of his phone at full volume. This was right, how it was meant to be. The seven of us head banging to a random song, screeching the lyrics along with it. I glanced away from the road to look at Taehyung, and he gave me the biggest grin I had gotten in a long time. We rolled down the windows without a care of what anyone would think of us. We would happily wake up the whole neighbourhood if we could.

Jimin stuck his head out of the window and screamed. "I love Hoseok!!!" 

"Why'd you say that!?" Hoseok protested. He gave Jimin a glare when he was looking, but as Jimin turned away, his expression softened. Hoseok loved it.

"Jin dared me," Jimin shrugged.

Jin turned around hearing his name and shook his head. "Nope, Jimin just wanted to confess!" He snorted.

Jimin winked at Hoseok. "Oh, shut up Jimin," Hoseok rolled his eyes, before punching both Jimin and Jin light-heartedly on their arms.

I chuckled at their conversation, and leaned back into the driver's seat. A blinking light caught my attention through the fog of contentment. "Petrol's low guys, we need a pit stop," I announced. Silence hung around the music.

"Fine by me. I needed to piss anyway," Taehyung said. The chattering and laughter resumed.

I pulled over at the nearest petrol station and stepped out into the sharp air. It stung my skin with its bitterness.

"Hey, Namjoon! Do you reckon we can go grab something to eat?" Jungkook called over the music.

"Sure, why not?" I replied softly. My lips were cracked from the cold, and my voice was wavering after all the shouting.

The rest of them jumped out of the car, and headed towards the petrol station store. Taehyung lagged behind, but I shooed him away. "I'll catch up in a sec," I told him.

Hesitantly, he left. But that was okay. I didn't expect anyone to wait for me, but knowing that he wanted to was nice. I shook the last drops of petrol into the tank of the car, and placed the hose clumsily back into the slot, spilling a little petrol on the rough concrete. I glanced left and right, checking to see whether someone saw, but no one did. My lollipop accidentally fell out of my mouth, right into the petrol. I groaned. It was ruined.

I trudged over to the store with my hands in my pockets, protecting them from the cold. I hated getting cold hands. I could see them through the window of the store, their hands full of unhealthy yet delicious foods and snacks. They were definitely my friends. I shook my head while sighing, a lax smile on my face, and entered.

They were sat around a table, organising their stash of goodies, picking their favourite things out of each other's piles. Apart from Jin. He rested his elbows on the table, watching everyone else. He had a plastic cup in his hand, and he sipped his drink through a straw, smiling at the others. I slid in the booth next to him, hopping over Yoongi in the process.

"Hey, try this," Yoongi grinned, holding out his drink to me.

"Sure, why not?" I replied, taking a sip.

Jungkook looked at me, squinting a little. I raised my eyebrows at him, which made him giggle.

"Why're you laughing at my eyebrows?" I asked.

"I'm not!" He insisted. But he had to turn away from me so he could compose himself. I brushed over my eyebrows with my fingers, and tried to look up at them.

"There's nothing wrong with them," Taehyung reassured, knocking my hand away from my face.

"Here, suck on this," Jimin smirked. I frowned a little at his phrasing, as the others burst into hysterics. He threw a lollipop at me, and it hit me square in the face. I unwrapped it and stuck the sweet in my mouth. I threw my back against the cushioned chair lazily. This was a good night. I ripped open a packet of crisps, and I had to try to conceal my mischievous grin as I took one out. I took a look at Taehyung, and he nodded at me in agreement. With a seal of approval, I chucked a few crisps at Jimin, who blinked in shock and disgust at me. I giggled, covering my mouth with my hand.

I saw Jimin grab a handful of his fries and throw them at me. Luckily for me, his aim was off by a mile. He hit Jungkook in the face instead. "Come on, Jimin! Jungkook isn't even sat next to me!" I provoked, scoffing.

Jungkook slammed his palms on the table and stood up dramatically. A lull of low murmurs filled the silence. "You'd better not have done that on purpose Jimin,"

"Don't forget that I'm older than you!" Jimin retorted, pouting.

I saw Yoongi and Jungkook look at each other with that glint in their eyes. I knew what was coming. And I let it unfold. Yoongi grabbed a ketchup bottle, and Jungkook took a mustard bottle. They flipped off the lids and squeezed the contents over Jimin, who ducked after he had already been sufficiently covered in the condiments. He fell over his chair and grunted as he landed on the floor. Hoseok helped him up and tutted at us disapprovingly. It was an obvious act. He picked up his cup and pretended to drink out of it, before lobbing it and its contents at Jungkook. That cocky boy tactfully pulled an unaware Jin in front of him, keeping himself dry, but Jin caught in the firing line.

It turned into a full on food fight, filled with unstoppable and uncontrollable laughter. Somehow Taehyung ended up dancing on the table, kicking the remaining food off the table, directing it at whoever was closest. Jungkook and Yoongi were on a team, battling against Jimin and Hoseok, and neither were giving up. Jin was smiling at us in his own little world, and I was trying to get Taehyung off that damn table.

We were going to get kicked out for sure. But I really didn't care. 

I wish it was like this every day.

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