Fifteen: 12. 06. 15.

64 2 0

Rebel - Namjoon

"Tell me, what're Friday nights for?" I asked, taking my lollipop out of my mouth so he could understand me properly.

"I dunno... clubbing?" Taehyung shrugged.

"Good answer, but no. Bending the rules, my friend," I winked. I had let him in on my most recent hobby. I wouldn't call it breaking the law, or vandalising, so I toned the truth down a little. I wouldn't call it lying either.

"Oh, really?" He raised his eyebrows at me. He was just being difficult on purpose. I knew he had no problem with it. None of us did any more.

"Yeah, really! Trust me," I winked, placing my hand on his back, and shoving him in the direction of the alleyway. In the dim light that oozed through a narrow gap laid the alleyway. It was the underworld of any town; gloomy and unpleasant. Our sort of place. Somewhere where misfits fit in. Vines crawled up window sills and the crumbling plaster that enveloped the old stone bricks covered the blinking neon sign. Litter was dumped on the street and birds nested amongst the sprawling rot. No wonder we loved this place.

"Now, we begin our masterpieces," I instructed. I turned my bag upside down, tipping out the contents unceremoniously. I picked up the black spray paint can, and Taehyung got the red.

The quiet hiss of the can as he sprayed a red line across the wall was somewhat comforting. The shrill metal clacking as he shook it only emphasised the feeling. Taehyung glanced over at me and I saw a smirk twisting his lips. This was true freedom. I paused for a moment and stood back, smiling proudly at Taehyung's handiwork. Of course we would probably be the only ones to admire it. We had sprayed our designs on a disintegrating wall in the back of a dinghy alleyway. Nevertheless, it was a sign, one we hoped someday, someone would find.

As Taehyung finished off the last stroke with an extension of his wrist, I jolted, my expression changing, and I grasped his shoulder urgently. Beams and smudgy illuminations of red and blue flashing lights made me squint. Taehyung faced me, oblivious to the imminent arrest if we didn't move. I rolled my eyes, and tugged his wrist, swiping as many cans of spray paint as I could into my bag, and slinging it over my shoulder.

We ran, our feet pounding against the uneven tarmac. We needed to keep our distance, that's all that mattered. And I don't think we even cared if we got caught. It's part of the act. We headed towards the bridge, our planned rendezvous point. Our dorm was just around the corner from there, and I could rely on Hoseok and Jimin to cover for us.

My heart was thumping, my breath was like thunder in my ears, my lungs felt like they were on fire, and on top of that I had to be careful not to trip. Adrenaline was almost bursting through my skin, my eyes wide with excitement and exhilaration. I looked over at Taehyung, as his smile was enough to reassure me and keep my mind steady. In sync, our minds as one, we started to run backwards, locking eyes with our pursuers. Mocking them and provoking them. I flipped them off, and Taehyung whooped in delight, sticking out his tongue.

We both knew that we couldn't hold out for much longer, and we were still three blocks away from the dorm. I also knew that their car would be able to loop around us on the other side of the bridge, and could cut us off. If they couldn't do that, then they were truly stupid. As we turned to continue our stint, I discovered my theory to be correct. Taehyung staggered to a halt, and I slowed down my pace to a casual walk.

Then we had an officer each slam into our backs, pressing us harshly against the side of their vehicle. I was completely dazed out, playing deaf, blind and dumb. I struggled and wriggled in an attempt to escape the tight grip I was under, whereas Taehyung was rather submissive in comparison. Taehyung glanced over, the corners of his lips fighting a smile, his eyebrows slightly raised. I looked away before that mischievous look of his spread. I swear that kid's exuberance for trouble was contagious. But before I can strengthen my resolve to be aloof, I had already glanced back. In a few seconds, that stupid grin of his was on my face too. 

And we laughed.

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