100 Days "Back in time.."

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The wind blow steadily in the atmosphere in my room, unknown sounds that whisper through out, sitting here in my quite nostalgic room as I stare at the clock as time slowly passes by. Each second of every mintue puts a scar in my heart. It wasn't like this, it was  covered with lively atmosphere with no trace of silence anywhere coming inside my house. Each and every corner of my room was enchanted but it vanished.

I still remember that he would usually come and barge into my room with an enrergetic tone  saying something like:


"Hey Marceline!! Let's go out for a bit! You're so obssesed on being here all alone! Come on CHEER UP! Let's go to the amusement park today!" He said at with a flash of a smile.

"Ok, Xander! You're realling taking advantage of using our relationship huh!"

"N-No I'm not! Just hurry up!!" he said stammering.

"Yeah.. Yeah!" I stuck my tounge out to tease him.

"Why you!"

I hurriedly run to go out of my room then he chased me. We run around the house. I mean the mansion. It's really big and we're kinda rich but I don't really care. Just saying though.. 

"Get back here Marceline!"  He shouted.

"Catch me if you can slowpoke!" I stuck my tongue out.


I just noticed that tears are falling rapidly down my face. I hate this. I feel really weak. I can't stop these tears from falling. He has given me too much memories of him. I then let myself fall down into my bed and stares at the ceiling in my room. I need to get out of my room.

I immediately stood up and went directly outside my room, wandering now in our mansion as I was walking. Memories of us we're magically starting to play infront of me. Scenes of memories were starting to play again in my eyes. But, how can this be? How is this happening? I'm stammering and I can't move my feet. It was like, my feet was glued to the floor.


"I hope he likes my gift" "I hope he likes my gift" "I hope he likes my gift" I keep on chanting that. Because It's our monthsary together and I bought him a t-shirt well it's really a couple t-shirt! I chuckled at that thought. I'm here on our sala, waiting for him.

*Ding* *Dong* Ok, that's him. I run hurriedly to the door. I hid my present from my back and opened the door. I feel butterflies in my stomach and my heart beat is getting faster. 


"Hey Xander! Happy Monthsary!!" We're celebrating in my house because he said that it would be fun.  

"I got something for you!" then he hurriedly picked up the box that was infront of me. Wait? I just noticed that. Oh well. He opened it.

A star shaped cake. It's really CUTE!! Adorable! 

"Sorry if that's all I can give you--"

"WHAT?? NO! It's really Beutiful!! I LOVE IT!! Thanks kenneth!" I hugged him with the happiness overwhelming me.


 Please stop. I can't take it anymore!! Please!!! STOP! I hurriedly run through the nearest door and run inside it. 

"I'm safe" I said it with me facing the door. It looks familiar.

100 Days With You. (Will Revise)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora