Part 25

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Christians P.O.V

Once Ryan hung up the phone 4 cops came running towards me I jumped out the window but i fell then 3 more cops came running towards me.

FUCK!!! I tried to escape but they kept running faster...

They caught me. Hand cuffed me and threw me in the cop car. Once we arrived to the police station they allowed me to make ONE phone call. I called my mom immediately.

§Phone Convo§

mom: Hello

Chris: Hey mom

Mom: Christian? Oh hey whats up honey?

Chris: Im in the police station...wont be getting out until 48 hours its either you pay the fine or we'll leave it to the judge.

Mom: Oh my god baby what did you do?

Chris: Nothing mom I swear i was out with faith like you told me to and then she left mad and I was trying to get her to wait but the police showed up

Mom: did faith do this?

Chris: yes. She had it all planned out.

Mom: oh my god. Sweety im on my way!

Chris: okay bye I love u mom

Mom: I love u too honey

§End of Phone Convo§

I wanna get out of here!

Faiths P.O.V

After that Phone call I just ignored it and justin was released we signed the papers and left to ryans place to get justins car. We were leaving to justins house but Ryan and Chaz stayed.

Faith: Um it ok if you drop me off at Christians place?.. Im gonna get the rest of my things

Justin: yeah and then your coming with me

Faith: No no no i have to go back to damians place

Justin: just move in with me and my mom yeah? Pleaseeeeeeee

Faith: no i cant ive been through a lot just to find him

Justin: babyyyy

Faith: why do you always call me that?! Hhaha

Justin: because I love Goulding will you be my girlfriend?!


Justin: but why baby i really love you an- wait...did you just say yes?!

Faith: yes hahaha

Justin: babyyy i love you

Faith: I love you so much more baby

He hugged me so tight. He started leaning in we were inches away our noses touched but. We got interrupted. It was justins mom.

Pattie: Hey kids

Justin: oh hey mom

Faith: Hi

Pattie: Well why are you two here? Shouldnt you be at Ryans.

Faith: Actually we were but we just got back from the hospital

Pattie: what...why!?

Justin: im fine just a small hit in the head with a vase but cops took care of him

Pattie: oh my god my baby! Who did it?!

Faith: Christian


Justin: mom calm down im fine...really!

Pattie: you got hurt though

Faith: its okay pattie really

Justin: yeah because faith was there

Pattie: are you two dating?!

Faith: yeah he barely just asked me haha

Pattie: awe how cute! Well I gotta go grocery shopping so ill see you kids later

Justin: Okay bye mom!!!

Faith: Good bye pattie

Justin: Now that youre mine...youre living with me!!!

Faith: JUSTIN, NO!

Justin: And why not?

Faith: Like ive told you before, I LIVE WITH DAMIAN!

Justin: I know baby, but I really want you to live with me.

Faith: I know, but I barely found my cousin and I barely moved in, give it time, Please? for me?

Justin: Fine.

He finally gave in. I mean I love him and all, but I barely moved in with Damian and the slut of his girlfriend. Moving all the time will be hard for me. I just gotta wait for the perfect time.


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