Part 12

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Faiths P.O.V

I was walking with Christian until Justin walked up to us And when I heard about Chaz crying saying he needs to see me I said goodbye when I spotted my cousin. I always had the guts to see him.

I finally get to see him from what happened 2 years ago.

Faith: Hey Damian long time no see

Damian: Yeah for like 2 months

Faith: 2 years to be exact

Damian: Really, so it been 2 years since your mothers death

Faith: What? No its been 2 years since Uncle Adams death

Damian: right I still miss him

Faith: he hated me to guts

Christian and Justin walked up to us and heard what Damian said.

Damian: yeah he only hates you because you never listened to him and you were the fighter back then

Faith: well yeah but I'm changed

Damian: Since when? since his death

Faith: yeah like 2 years ago

Damian: Can I help you guys, are you ready to order so that my cousin could get out of the way

He said reffering to christian and Justin.

Christian: Oh no were with her

Faith: Damian this is Christian the sweet and intelligent one and this is Justin.

What I couldn't say 'oh this is Justin, MY Bully so I just said his name

Damian: Nice to meet you both so which ones your boyfriend

Faith: Uhh, excuse you I don't have a boyfriend

Damian: oh sorry cuzo

Faith: its fine anyways Damian I need to talk to you in private like out of work so gimme your number

Damian: Can't busy don't have a phone

Faith: oh I don't even know why I bothered to come over here then we were close Damian, where the Damian that I love. see you around

I just left knowing that Christian was with me I don't care anymore I just want to live with my family so that I don't have to be in Christian way.

Christian: Sorry faith, I'll talk to him

Faith: you don't have to

Christian: no yes I do so many things happened to you and he doesn't want anything to do with you

Faith: he just doesn't have time you heard him

Christian: but he's your cousin, he shouldn't treat you that way if I was your cousin I would get time in my schedule to to talk to you family always comes first.

Faith: I know but I don't need your help I'm leaving from your house today

Christian: no you can't go back home

Faith: I didn't say I was going to my dads house

Christian: where are you going to stay, sleep, eat eventually not in the streets

Faith: I didn't say that I was going to live on the streets

Christian: well good cuz its not happening

Faith: I just don't want to get in your way Christian

Christian: your not in my way I'll talk to your cousin tell him to open his eyes a little more just for you then you can move with him since its what you wish for.

Faith: I don't even know why I'm talking to you no offense but your Justin's friend

Christian: so...

Faith: so by tomorrow at school im just gonna be Faith the school slut and I should kill myself and I tried but that's when my dad stopped me until he kicked me out so I never got the chance to but it-

I got cut off by Justin...

Justin: will never happen because I won't let that happen

Faith: I gotta go help your mom

Christian: and I'm have to go with you

Faith: I know its your house but your friends are counting on you see you at your house Christian

we said our goodbyes well JUSTIN said bye to me but I ignored it im still scared to talk in front of him but today it was weird it seemed as if he wasn't even there.

Once I reached Christians house his mom wanted to talk to me in private...

Christians mom: Sweetie Chris told me about your cousin how did it go

Faith: horrible, well at first it started off well like if we have seen each other nonstop but then he denied my offer of talk

Christians mom: Don't worry honey He will notice where he made a mistake

Faith: your like a mom that I wish was by my side

Christians mom: she's in your heart don't forget that

Faith: yeah I will never forget

Christians mom: anything else you would like to tell me

Faith: Christian wants to talk to him for me

Christians mom: Don't worry honey things will get better whether he talks to him or not

Faith: Hopefully, I just don't know why god chose my life to be this way

Chris. Mom: He didn't choose it you followed it

Faith: Its been two years without Damian, and this is what I get.

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