Part 1

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~Chapter 1~ Just a couple more weeks!!!

Faiths P.O.V

Well, as you all know there is only a couple more weeks of school and who knows how long this will take to be could seem like years...and sorry for not introducing myself...

my names Faith Goulding and im 16 years old. I get bullied a lot at school by some boys named Ryan Butler, Chaz Somers, Christian Beadles, and yeah I'm saving the worst for last, Justin Drew Bieber.

He has been bullying me since the 7th grade....yeah, the first year of middle school. I don't know why they bully me and that's not all...I get bullied at home too... by my all started ever since my mom past away. Eventhough I didn't go to her funeral because my dad never let me. My grandmother thinks my dad killed my mom, but there was no proof to put him behind bars.

Why would my dad do that after all the love he gave my mom? I'm here in class focusing on my thoughts more than focusing on the lesson until the teacher, Mrs. Lee barged in and asked me a question I wasnt sure about......

Teacher: Faith.

Faith: Huh?

I said confused.

Teacher: Whats your answer?

Faith: uh, 25.

Teacher: Im sure thats the answer to something, but I was looking for the answer to number 5 on the worksheet.

The whole class just laughed at me like seriously I need to find the perfect time for my thoughts and I've realized that English class just isn't the right time.

* Ring Ring Ring *

Finally lunch, I can now have some time for my own and some time for my thoughts. As I was running down the hallways I noticed I was tripped by the head cheerleader Shelly Hill

Shelly: Look who it is...Go kill yourself Nobody wants you here.

I guess I forgot to tell you the biggest fact about me- I'm a shy person when it comes to bullies...

I just couldnt help myself, but studder. I wish I was perfect and was able to stand up for myself. Sometimes I even wonder what it would be like if nobody hated me for no reason.

Shelly: Go kill yourself, slut, my life would be better without you.

As soon as she said that she walked away from me and when I looked away to stand up, I spot Justin, Ryan, Chaz, and Christian walking towards me.

oh no this cant be good...I need to die...I need my mom...He's walking this way...What should I do?...Should I just walk away? run? what? Uh, Why am i staying still?...Too Late.


Faith: J...Justin...I...I never-

He cut me off.

He started punching me in the stomach and I felt like if I was going to explode at the moment. Then as he continued to punch me, he started kicking me really hard on my bare, weak body and all I heard was my bones cracking...He broke my rib...yeah...only one though.....


"slut" he whispered to himself and i was so curious in wanting to hear what he said to me so i used the little strength in me to respond back to him....


" I said SLUT...Go kill yourself"

Maybe hes right, maybe everybodys right, i should kill myself...tonight...if thats what everybody wants, then thats what everybody gets...

" oh dont worry about that tomorrow i wont even wake up to see another one of these magical days as most people would like to call them...if all you guys want, for me to kill myself...then your wish just came going to kill would make my life more easier because i wont have life but all you will and without me in this disgusting world ive been living like hell and thats gonna stop forever in the minute that im gone...i just dont know know i always ask myself why i was even born but the answer just doesnt come out...first you tell someone to kill themselves, they choose it would help their non-existing life, and the moment you regret what you had just said its too late to take it back" throughout my speech half of the school seen me get beat up by justin and they all hears my speech...their mouths stood open...and once i finished my speech i ran off...more tears had filled my eyes since this whole incident....

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