And So It Begins...

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It's a cliche I suppose. The nerdy girl and the tough Alpha. My story is a little bit different though. There are no Alpha's where I live. Sure, some wolves are bigger and stronger than others. But no one leads. We chose our paths as a group. Vote on where to camp, hunt and eat. Who to fight with and who to make peace with. We give blessings to couples and leave the punishing of crimes to the God wolves. Their the Alpha's technically.

There will always be people that are more respected then others, but you can not let that sway your opinion. Papa always said that a single decision can ruin a person, so never vote for someones opinion just because it is theirs. Always look for the truth behind the matter and make your decision accordingly. Else who knows where another's persons popularity can lead you.

I suppose I should start the story now, shouldn't I?

Well, it's a cold morning of a average autumn day. I was just on my to the stream when...

"Morning." Elder Tom greeted, passing me by with a smile. "Might want to start wearing a fur down here soon lass. Your Papa would murder us if you got ill."

"Not until winter Elder, I refuse to believe the warmth has gone so soon." He laughed at me and continued on his way. I passed a few others but no one spoke to me. It is a well know fact I am not a people person before lunch.

"I know you have bloomed already Lynx, but I don't mind you showing us." Grus growled by my ear. Glancing up, I realised I had come to the males bathing area. "Let me help you out of this robe, hum?"

"Remove your hands Grus. I was preoccupied and didn't realise I had come the wrong way." Pushing past him, I tried to go.

"No no no, don't be leaving because of me. It's about time you chose a Mate. I'm just making sure you are ready to take a male." Saying this, Grus had gripped the pull tie to my robe and went to open it.

"Do it and I will report you." I snarled, shoving his hands off me. "Papa made it clear I am allowed to stay under his word until I am ready. Not when my body is. If you wanted me to choose you, you shouldn't of pulled this stunt. Now move out of my way before I scream. Everyone is on constant guard right now, in case you had forgotten." He stepped back, a massive smirk plastered to his face.

"You certainly have a fire in your belly. Wait until it is joined by a baby."

"Well I would need a Mate first, wouldn't I?" I began to walk back up the grassy bank to head to the other side of the stream bend. The men and women bathe separately because, like me, there are un-mated girls in the group and it does not seem fit for them to bathe next to a naked warrior. But as long as it isn't Grus, I would happily bathe with the men. Just don't tell Papa!

I guess you are wondering what just happened? Well, females are expected to obey the males. Its normal when it comes to Wolves. Typically when a girl becomes a woman she either chooses a male to Mate with or her father sometimes gives her to a male. You probably think it's wrong but for us it's tradition. I, however, am lucky. Papa knows I am not mentally ready to chose a mate. Mother passed when I was quite young and it caused some of my development to be delayed. Instead of being taught to cook and prepare my Mates bed, Papa had to raise me. Meaning I never received the Mate lessons. So Papa said I do not have to mate until I feel ready.

Sadly Grus is one of the few who do not approve of Papa's decision. He thinks I should be mated already. Therefore he is always trying to point out to everyone that my body can take... a mans attention. The thing about this is that if he sees me naked, the pack will expect me to Mate him. And this is what he wants. That is something he has made very clear. He wants me yet I can't stand him! Papa normally fights him off but that has two issues. 1, he is not here right now to do that and 2, if he looses to Grus... I'd have to mate Grus. Bloody honor traditions!

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