The Signs as Drunk Stereotypes

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Aries: The one that Flirts with everyone

Taurus: The clumsy person that keeps on falling and laughing at everything

Gemini: The rude, bitchy one that talks too much

Cancer: The hysterical one that won't stop laughing

Leo: The one that keeps screaming, "I'm not drunk!"

Virgo: The babysitter that keeps breaking things and tries to fix them

Libra: The crazy dude that ends up in awkward situations

Scorpio: The super emotional friend that either ends up screaming or crying

Sagittarius: The obnoxious person obsessed with having fun

Capricorn: The one that keeps drinking to keep up with everyone else, thinking of it as a game

Aquarius: The happy, giggly, childish drunk

Pisces: The delusional one that passes out right away

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