The Signs Watching a Scary Movie

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Aries: Eggs the murder on the whole time

Taurus: Is watching cat videos in the other room

Gemini: Insists on turning the lights out when watching the movie

Cancer: Guesses who the next victim will be, but fails

Leo: Making up jokes during the whole movie

Virgo: Spills all the popcorn or snacks everytime a jump scare comes on

Libra: Keeps Taurus company, but secretly wants to join the rest

Scorpio: Yells at the characters how to escape

Sagittarius: Makes creep noises

Capricorn: Screams during the scary parts, sometimes just for fun

Aquarius: Comes up with memes during the movie with Leo

Pisces: Falls asleep in the beginning and wakes up halfway through very confused about what's happening

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