The Signs With Their Halloween Candy

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Aries: Throws the gross candy at their siblings and laughs maniacally.

Taurus: Dumps it on the floor and falls asleep on it

Gemini: Eats it all and then throws it up later

Cancer: Shares it with family that didn't trick or treat, but hordes chocolate for themselves

Leo: Takes photos of all their candy and brags about it on every social media they have

Virgo: Categorized the candy and how much they had, so they know if somebody steals it.

Libra: Melts it all in a pot and bathes in it (Libra secret youth potion.)

Scorpio: Immediately searches for a hiding spot for their candy

Sagittarius: Throws it in the air and makes candy angels

Capricorn: Sells it to kids at school

Aquarius: Rubs it on their skin and sings "soft kitty". For y'all that don't know, soft kitty comes from Big Bang Theory, I reccomend it!

Pisces: Eats it all and cries when it's gone

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