A lil intro and stuff

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It's up to you if you believe this or not, but it's true. Charas are born from your dreams, and their egg is based off of your dream. First of all, getting a chara can be hard. Really hard. Seeing them takes a long time, but if you get into the right mindset, their presence is easier to notice.

Just wanna say now, this is really top secret stuff in this book.

My best friend - Gonna call her Hoshiko - has two born charas, and a bunch that aren't born yet.

It's up to you if you believe me on this but I swear ON MY LIFE that I actually saw one of them, Luna, drinking my pasta sauce in school. They are real. I've had the most interactions with charas out of all of the people I know working on this goal.

I LOVE shugo chara. I loved it more when I was younger, but I still love the crap out of it lol. I can partly see these curious beings, they only appear as sparkly things to me though. There are a fair few at my school, but I haven't shown much interaction with them.

This was a little intro. Ask any questions, and you can make me do stuff like ask charas things if you want too.


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