Loud - Chapter 5

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Being awoken by an alarm is probably the most annoying thing. It's not peaceful at all. One minute you're having a great dream about that great date you went on yesterday with this great guy and then you're pulled awake by this ringing noise.

Until you realize it's the ringtone you set for your potential "work" callers and not an alarm.

I scramble for my phone, trying desperately to grasp it on my nightstand.

"Hello?" I say, trying not to sound groggy after waking up and completely ignoring caller ID.

"Is this Vixen?" A familiar voice asks,

"Yes it is, how can I help you?"

"Well, it's Jeff Davis from MTV's Teen Wolf, how are you?"

The butterflies flutter around in my stomach and my smile spreads from ear to ear, "I'm great thank you, and yourself?"

"Wonderful, just wanted to see if you were interested in something I have in mind," He says, trailing off.

"I'm sure i would be, what is it?" I chuckle, sounding incredibly desperate.

"Well, I was incredibly impressed with your performance in the auditions, and I believe that you're perfectly suited for another role that we are just about to begin casting. However, if you're interested, we'd like to have you in for a read through first just to cement our thoughts and make sure what I think is right?"

"I'd love to, so much!" I clear my throat from the excitement and collect myself, "when would you want me to come in?"

"Well, we've left it kind of late as we start filming scenes that involve her in about a month, so the sooner the better," He pauses, "would sometime this week be too much of a hassle?"

"I could come in today?"

"Perfect! Just what I wanted to hear. Well, it's the same building as last time, I'll text through the address again and maybe say, noon? 12:30? Around then, I'll be around all day doing producer stuff, so just make your way down around midday,"

"Sure thing, see you then,"

"Sure will,"

And the line goes dead.

I squeal and throw my phone down on my bed, punching the sheets and shaking my head like a child.

I sit there, staring around my tiny place and pick up my phone, searching for Daniel's number.

"Come on come on come on," I mutter, waiting for him to pick up.

"Hello?" An incredibly tired voice answers.

"Guess what?" I squeal.

"Wait, who is this?" It sounds like he pulls the phone away from his ear to check the caller ID then puts it back to his head, "Vixen, hi?" He says, still groggy.

"I might have a part!" I squeal once again.

"So loud and so early,"

"Did you hear what I said though?" I chuckle.

"Not really," He chuckles, sounding more awake.

"I might have a part. Like on the show. The same show that you're on,"

"Wow!" He's awake now. "That's so amazing, how, what? Just tell me everything I can tell you're bursting at the seams to tell me,"

I spend the next 15 minutes rambling to him and getting incredibly excited for 3 hours from now when I may possibly be reading for my character.

"Well love, that's wonderful, and I'll be in at the studio too at some point today so I might see you then,"

Did he just call me love. That accent. Kills me.

"Hopefully I see you then,"

"Well I better get some coffee, as much as I loved being woken by you, I'm gonna need a caffeine hit now,"

"Sorry about that, I just needed to tell you,"

"You're sweet,"

"Thanks," I chuckle, "alright, well I might see you later, bye,"

"Bye love,"

There it is again.

I jump out of bed, pulling the hem of my oversized shirt down to cover more of my butt and run to my kitchen area, my smile never leaving.

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