Dinner - Chapter 3

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"So tell me about yourself," He smiles. He has an amazing smile.

"Tell me something you want to know,"

"I want to know everything," he chuckles, winking at me, "What's your favourite colour,"


"Have you always lived in LA?"

"Nope," I smile, "Can't you tell?" I ask, trying to make my Australian accent more noticeable then usual.

"Tell me about that,"

"My parents met in the Australian Army, and my two brothers and I were born in Sydney. And in the space of the three years that my mum was still alive, we moved to Perth then to Brisbane and back to Sydney. Then my mum died, and Dad got excused from his duties as he had to look after 3 kids all under the age of 7, so we moved to Boston because my dad has family in Boston. I lived in Boston from the time I was 6 to 15, then we moved to California because I got a scholarship to The Edge Performing Arts School for Musical Theatre, and my brother got a scholarship to UCLA - mainly for my brother I think," I laugh. "And here I am. So there's my life story,"

"Sounds busy," he chuckles and I nod as the food comes out and we start eating.

Hours go by and we talk and talk. I find out all about his childhood and how he has a degree in Bachelor of Arts in Acting.

"I better get you back," he motions to the waiter for the bill and we make small talk while we waited. The waiter places the black folder onto the table and we both reach out for it, Daniel snatching it out of my reach, "I'll pay," He smiles, opening it and reading it.

"Daniel don't be silly, I can pay for myself,"

"I said I'd take you out for dinner, which in London, that implies that I pay,"

"We're not in London, we are in Los Angeles," I say, trying to grab the folder out of his hands. I slump in defeat and rest one hand on the table and my chin on my spare hand while he smirks at me, "you were never going to let me pay were you?"

He shakes his head and picks up the hand on the table and holds it, rubbing his thumb over the back of it and my heart skips a few beats, "never,"

"Are we ready to pay?" The waiter comes back momentarily and collects the book with Daniel's credit card in it.

He walks off and I turn back to Daniel, "how much was it anyway?"

"Don't worry," he chuckles.

"Daniel tell me,"

"Whatever it was, you were worth every cent,"

The waiter brings his card back and we exchange our thanks. "Come on, let's go," Daniel says standing up and still not letting go of my hand. We walk outside and the cool air hits me and I suddenly realise my cardigan doesn't do much for the cold.

"It's cold out here," he says, releasing my hand and crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Hmmm," I agree. He gives me another one of his looks and I blush once again, "what?"

"What, what?" He jokes, and he must realise I'm cold too because he wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer.

"You keep looking at me,"

"It's hard not to look at you,"

"I think you're the only one that thinks that,"

"I'm sort of glad in a way, means that I get to appreciate it all to myself," He chuckles and I scoff,

"I've properly known you for all of 6 hours. And I never mentioned a boyfriend, how do you know I don't have one?"

He stops and I pause standing a few feet in front of him.

"Because if you did have a boy friend, you wouldn't have agreed to let me take you to dinner, and you wouldn't have let me hold your hand," he takes a few steps to me with a small smile on his face, "and you wouldn't let me do this," He sweeps the loose bits of hair in my face behind my ear and presses his lips to my cheek, edging on my lips.

"You're right," I chuckle, trying to calm my racing heart down to a normal pace, "come on, it really is cold out here and I'd much rather be somewhere inside,"

We reach his car which was parked down the street a little bit further then the restaurant and he opens the door for me, then walks around to the drivers side. "If I drive really slowly does that mean that I can spend more time with you?"

I chuckle in response, "Yes it does, but then you may also have some very annoyed drivers behind you and I don't think that all of the fuss is worth it, especially because if you ask I would love to go out again sometime soon,"

He blushes and smiles at me, "well in that case, would you like to go out again sometime soon?"

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