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(Harmony, Sirius System)

The Administrator picked up the pen and paused for a moment over the book, opened to a nice clean page.

It gave a wry shake of the head. The Vishnans and the Humans, both believed they had been judged and punished. Although most races regarded the Ancians as curators, the Administrator considered itself more of a Guardian. When a race was very young, as were both the Humans and the Vishnans - galactically speaking, sometimes they needed some time out. Time to work through problems and come up with a viable solution beyond mutual annihilation. No matter how many centuries that took.

On the first page, the Administrator wrote carefully,

'Report : Homo Sapiens

Shows potential. Needs to learn to play well with others.'

And on the next page,

'Report : Vishna Vani

Shows promise. Needs to learn how to share.'

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