Chapter 5 Intruder

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I barely even remember what happened. The last thing I can remember was running away and Leonardo off in the distance.


I looked around my room in panic for him, but was relived to see him at the edge of the bed. His head rested in his arms, quietly sleeping. I realized that I was all tucked in the bed and a thick bandage was wrapped around my mid-torso. I looked back at him as if I was expecting an answer.

"Thank you." I whispered so I wouldn't wake Leonardo up. I propped myself up a little, being mindful of my new fresh wound. I looked at my clock, it said 3:00am. I returned to Leo, scanning over his face. All I could really see was his closed eyes. Ever since the first day I met him, I can not stop looking or thinking about them. They are such a icy shade of blue and have a soft look to them. I envy them. Both so perfectly similar compared to mine. I wish both of my eyes could be blue.


The monster pushed me off. Sending me hurdling to my death.
I tried to scream, but nothing came out.
I braced myself for impact, but instead of water and rock claiming my life, branches and leaves broke my fall.
I tumbled to the ground, landing in a cushion of snow.
I raise my head, and somebody lifts me up.
I wrapped my arms around her, never wanting to let go.
She pushes away, giving me a confused look. She opens her mouth to say something, but a sudden gasp stops her.
Her body lurches forward and her eyes fill with pain and fear.
"Alese!" I grab her now limp body, her eyes glossy and dead.
I dare to tear my eyes from hers, stare straight at the looming shadow. It's pale yellow eyes made my bones tremble. In its hand was Alese's still beating heart.
The heart's beat increased and became louder and louder.
Louder. Quicker.
Quicker. Louder.

My eyes shot open, my hand tightly grasping my chest. I heard my heart pounding in my head. I was laying on the floor tangled in a wooly blanket. Just another nightmare. I get up and look at the bed. Alese was gone. Only blankets and sheets bunched up at the foot of the bed and a dent in the pillows where her head used to be.

There was a crash in the kitchen.

Oh great.


"Shit." I said looking down at the mess. Little pieces of dry oatmeal littered the floor.

"What the hell are you doing out of bed?" I jumped a little at the sound of Leo's stern voice. He looked down at me with a cross face.

"I was hungry, so I'm making some breakfast." I bent down to grab the oatmeal container, but he grabbed it first.

"You need to rest so your wound can heal. So you need to get back into bed."

"My injury is fine. I can take care of myself, I have for many years." I turned around to go grab a broom, but Leonardo picked me up from behind and held me bridle style.

"Hey! Let me go! Put me down!" I trashed around, but a sudden jolt of pain in my abdomen shut me up. I bit my lip, trying not to let out a groan. He carefully carried me back into my room and gently placed me in the bed. I wanted to get up in protest, but he had already pulled the blankets up and tucked it around my body. I have to admit, it was so warm and comfy that I snuggled deeper into the bed.


She looked back at me with big eyes. I knew she wasn't all too happy with being force to stay in bed, but she seemed a little more relaxed. The stormy sea in her left eye calmed.

"What?" She said, breaking my subconscious stare.

"Oh, sorry. I'll go make you something." I speed back into the kitchen, completely forgetting about the tiny oats on the floor. My feet were coated in them. I looked in the oatmeal container, there was just enough left for one person.

I began to boil some water, waiting for it bubble when


Wasting no time, I ran into Alese's room, slamming the door behind me. Alese was already out of the bed going towards the door.

"There is somebody at the door! Get back in bed!" I hissed in between my teeth, blocking her path.

"I know perfectly well that someones there. Now let me through!" She tried to push past, but I didn't budge.

In the living room, the back door's lock clicked and the door opened. Footsteps entered the house. Somebody was breaking in!

"Leo. Move. Now!"

Oh trust me Alese, I was going to move.

I burst out the door, going full speed at the intruder. I grabbed them by the neck, pining them to the floor. They grasped at my hands, gagging and making desperate gasp of air.

"Leo! Get off him! Stop!" A painfully kick hit me right in the ribs, loosing my grip. Another came, pushing me off the man.

"Cris! Are you ok!?" She rushed over to the man's side, lifting his head. He looked over at me.
"Oh don't worry about him. He's harmless, usually. He's just been a bit more stubborn today."

He did a strange smirk at me, and let out a weak chuckle.
"I say he's just a protective boyfriend."

My cheeks burned. So did Alese's. Boyfriend? Within a few seconds of even seeing this guy, he's joking about me and Alese being a couple.

Alese rolled her eyes.
"This is my uncle, Cris. He's what you'll call a 'jokester'. He's the one who owns this place."

Brought himself on to his knees, and started to brush himself off.

"You own this place?"

"Yep," he looked around, admiring ever detail of the cottage,"And the one that pays for the electricity and water. And does all the repairs, buys all the food-"

"Ok Cris. That's enough." Cris grabbed Alese and gave her a tight hug.
"All for this Boggier Bear!" Her face became a deep crimson.
"Oh god."

"Boggier Bear?" I tried to stifle my laughter.

"Yep! This one loved to play with their boogies! But now she's all grown up, and doesn't play with them as much. So boyfriend! How did you two meet?"

Ok. I understand that he's Alese's uncle, and it's only natural to embarrass her and call her names. But why do I have to be brought into this?

"Please stop calling me boyfriend. It's Leonardo, or Leo. And me and Alese are just friends."

"Whatever you say, friend."

"He's going to keep this up as long as your here, so you might as well get used to it now."

"Well that's ok, I'm not going to be around long." Alese jaw dropped, her eyes were filled with shock.

"What do you mean?" She was quite, as if she was scared.

"You didn't think I was going to stick around forever. I have to go save my family."

She was completely silent, her eyes spun round and round. Then she abruptly stood up.

"Where are you going?"
"Out." She was cold
"Not with that injury."
"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT MY INJURY!" She literally exploded, than ran out the door.

"What the hell just happened?" Cris looked at me, completely dumbfounded.
I wasn't sure myself, I know she would be upset by the new of me leaving. But I would never imagine it being this extreme.
I looked around, I knew I should go after her, but she needed a few moments to herself. But then, Alese's bright blue jacket was still on the coat rack.

"Oh shit! She didn't bring it with her!"
"She didn't bring what?"
"Her jacket!" I ran and grabbed it along with her dad's jacket.
Cris started to get ready to go out himself, but I stopped him.
"Please, with all due respect, I want you to stay here. I need to talk her."
"Are you sure? She's not exactly herself when she's upset."
"Nobody is sir."
And with out another word, I bolted out the door, following Alese's footprints in the snow.
I'm coming Alese.

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