Chapter 9 Old Records

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"You ready?"
The building loomed over us. It was so intimidating. My heart was powered by fear and panic.
"Me neither. Let's go."
My stomach twisted into a million knots as we broke in. Everything seemed blurry, and nothing seemed right.
We reached the information hub. I had no clue what Alese was doing, I was to light headed to pay attention.
"Ok, we got it. Now let's get out of here." She guided me back out, everything was going so fast. What the hell was going on?
"I've gotta go." I ran into the woods a little and went behind a tree. I began vomiting what was left of the oatmeal that we had for breakfast.
"Damn it Leo. Are you ok?" Alese caught up, disgusted at the sight of me spewing out chunks of raisins. All the sudden, voices and heavy footsteps began chasing us. We both broke into a run, not knowing where we were going.
Wait, how did we get here in the first place? My mind was blank. I remembered almost nothing.
A large truck stopped in front of us, many men with guns poured out. We tried to go other directions, but we're stopped by more and more men. We were surrounded.
"Leo what do we?-" Alese was cut off by her own scream. Her body dropped to the ground, three dark holes in her chest began to ooze blood.
"Alese!!" I tried to run up to her, but many of the men pined me to the ground.
"No! Get off! Alese!" Tears spilled from my eyes.
"The freak's still alive." One of the men said after checking her pulse.
"You heard the boss, he wants this one dead."
They both grew a devilish grin and began kicking the shit out of Alese.
I tried to get out out the dog pile I was under, but it only got heavier and heavier. The kicking continued, she was probably dead by now, but that didn't stop me from struggling and pleading them to stop. All of the noise grew and grew till it was a steady ring in my ears.
Then the world went silent.
The woods were dark but there was a faint light that glowed around the woods.
It was a fire, far away in the distance.
"Why did you lie, Leonardo?"
"You promised her that you would protect her. But you let her die."
"No I didn't. I tried."
"And failed. Another failure. Just like yourself."
"I-I'm not a-a failure."
"Let yourself be the judge of that."
I looked straight ahead at a mirror. The shadow was right behind me, waiting for my judgment.
"What do you see?"
"A monster."
"That's right. A monster. How true. I'm glad you finally see who you truly are. Your one step closer Leonardo. I can't wait."

I jumped a little. That dream was so real. I looked over my shoulder, Alese's nude body was sunken into the futon, engulfed in covers. She was curled up against me, her hand resting on my chest, her face squished into my arm. I felt a subconscious smile form on my lips.
"God, you're so adorable." I blurted out to myself.
I wish this moment could last forever. But the constant knowing that only hours away, we could both die or worse ruined it. This beautiful girl that is calmly sleeping next to me could die in a matter of hours.
What if I go now? I know the plan. She told me the layout of the place. I could do it completely on my own, and Alese would be safe if I succeed or fail.
But she would probably kill me if I went without her.
I wrapped around her, holding her tight. Her body was so warm, it was like a heated blanket but better.
It was still dark out, so I closed my eyes, hoping to get a little more rest.
Of course, with my luck with sleep, trying was pointless.
Clothes were strewn around the futon as a result of our sex-filled night. Memories started to surface, and also regret. But remembering Alese's stupidly cute face when she finally had an orgasem made me grin. Damn, everything she does is so cute.
I grabbed my pants and put them on. I looked back at Alese, now all by herself. I felt a little bad, so I got some of her pjs from her room and began to dress her. She didn't stir or anything, she was so out of it.
I actually was pretty productive this morning, took a shower, did the laundry, swept, washed the dishes, dusted a little cause I could.
And Alese was still asleep. I guess she's a pretty heavy sleeper.
Boredom was a prominent feeling going on in my head. My eyes wandered, and latched onto a door in the hallway.
I never went into the room because the door was always locked. Alese never talked about it, but every time I brought it up, she would cut me off.
I felt myself being drawn to it.
"No no no. Curiosity killed the cat Leo. There's that saying for a reason."
But I continued.
Inching closer.
My hand levitating above the door knob.
It's locked.
Well maybe it's a sign.
Until I turned the knob the other way.
"Oh my god."
The room was literally split in half. One side was covered in fake flowers, different Disney movie posters, and filled with stuff animals. The other was littered with old records, old rock bands (Beetles, Rolling Stones, Queen...) posters, and had a overall navy tone.
Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust. Pictures were stacked on the twin beds. I picked one up, carefully examining the photo.
It was a happy family of four; a mother, a father, and two daughters.
There was a definite age difference between the two sisters. One seemed to be 14-15 years old, while the second seemed 9-10.
I grabbed another photo, it was of the two sisters. They were in this room, lying on the floor, listening to a record. They both were smiling, but in a way that they were caught in the moment.
I grabbed another photo again. In this one, it was the sisters again but on top of a mountain. I could see their faces better. The little girl's smile was just like Alese's.
My heart ached, this beautiful little girl seemed so happy, but she went through who knows what and losing everything.
"Oh Alese..."
But something wasn't right. Her eyes, they are both blue. That can't-
I groan from the living room pulled me away from my thoughts. I put the photos back and rushed out of the room. I went to the kitchen and started acting like I was there the whole time.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Alese sit up.
"Morning Alese."
"Morning." She responded in a groan. "What are we having for breakfast?"

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