Chapter 21 Found

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"Excuse me?"

"Leo, I saw Leo."

"I'm confused."

I closed my eyes again.

"He's hurt, really hurt."

"Are you high?"

"No. Jaclyn is taking him away."

"Alese, you're freaking me out. How are you seeing this?"

"The butterfly."

"What butterfly-"

She stuck her head over the stirring wheel and squinted her eyes. Spot lights waved around and a child ran past use with remarkable speed.

"What the fuck..." She said under her breath.

"Let's go." I unbuckled my seat belt and took off my jacket while she parked the truck in the bushes.

We ran to the chain link fence, and everything was going to shit. Guards were running in every direction, some were running towards the children, and other were running away.

"Why exactly did you take off you jacket, it's fucking freezing."

"You're not wearing on, plus it's a nice jacket, I don't want to ruin it."

She shrugged and we slipped through the hole in the fence.

"He's on the top floor, room 23."

She stopped and turned to me.

"How the hell do you know this."

"It's complicated."

She shook her head and pressed on.

"Who are you?!" A man ran in front of us who was wearing a lab coat and with his tractus waving about.

"We're just picking up a friend. So if you let us through-"

"You aren't going anywhere, sweetheart." He grabbed onto her arm. She pulled back, trying to shake him off.


All the sudden, a tractus emerged from her back. I was taken back in shock and in awe.

It was beautiful. It had three parts that moved like silk in the wind. It was a brilliant ice blue with streaks of pink and lavender. It seemed to glow and didn't have a spot of black like all tractuses have.

The man stumbled back and looked up at her in fear before running for his life.

"Thank you." She turned to me and laughed.

"Pick your jaw off the ground and let's get going."

I nodded my head and followed her inside.


Where am I?...

I feel like I've asked that question way to often, but seriously.

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