Pilgrim Girl Contest Entry

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This is a bit early, but this is a pilgrim-style girl for xxxxAnimExxxxx's art contest! I don't really know if it looks much from the pilgrim age, but I tried! XD

Because it's an old name, her name's Mary. Is she pretty? I thought about drawing the Mayflower or something behind her but I found out really quickly that I suck at drawing ships. So I scrapped that idea and Himeka helped me put that pretty sunset in instead! And the lighting's kind of bad, so sorry about the shadow.

Also, for those of you who actually read this book, the contests kind of threw our order off. Himeka drew the previous contest entry, so I drew this one. >.• But we both helped do both in the end, so it's still a joint effort between sisters!

Himeka: yep!! Sisters!!

Anyway, the next picture will start the order again with Himeka. XD

I hope we win! Thanks for accepting us, contest host! What do you think? Do we have a shot? >.< Now I'm nervous!

Wish us luck!

Chikage, and somewhat Himeka

Next is completely undecided because Himeka has no good pictures. I'll let you know when she starts on something new and wants to post it!!

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