First Digital Art ~Himeka

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Hello everyone~~ I'm really sorry we haven't updated in a while. I guess I've been neglecting Wattpad for a little bit--Oneechan and me both, really. But we're back in action with a fresh load of new drawings!

Anyway, this is my first digital art. I got an app on my iPad so I tried it out, but it didn't turn out that well. Really, I think it looks terrible, and I wouldn't have posted it if I had a choice, but Oneechan has been pestering me about posting something for a long time, so I just threw it on there. Hopefully, it'll only get better as time goes on, right? ^~^

But that's all for today! Hopefully we'll start updating more often again

Chikage: That is, if Himeka actually starts drawing something...

and we'll have more and more to share! Look forward to it!


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