Chapter 8

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Sorry people I had writers block for so long. Lot of things happened recently not gonna explain because y'all need know what happens next in here. I'm done talking now so here's Chapter 8!!!!

*Brooklyn's P.O.V*
The last thing I remember is seeing the guy who put me through hell and back my whole life. That's when everything started fall apart. I couldn't breath I felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest, the ringing in my ear blocked everything else out then it went black. I couldn't see or hear I felt like I was dying because even though I passed out I still couldn't breath very well after about five minutes I could breath and I was tired so I gave into the darkness.

After I woke up I had a killer headache. Jeremy was at end of room on couch. Once he saw that I was awake he came over asking how I was.
He handed me some aspirin and a glass of water to take them with. I swallows the pills thanking him for them.
"What happened?" Jermey asked finally after a minute if silence.
"I saw him I freaked how, I'm sorry." I replied not really wanting to explain .
I know he only wants to help. I appreciate it but I don't even know if me myself is ready to admit what happened.
"You don't have to apologize Brooke its alright I just want know what happened to why you passed out. It scared the hell out of me when u passed out I didn't know what to do I brought you back here to see if you wake up soon."
" I appreciate it I really so Jermey. It's just I don't know if I'm even ready to come to terms of what really happened. Or that he's hear he made my life a living hell Jermey please understand that!"
"Brooklyn I understand that bit you need calm down before you have a panic attack."
"No duh I know that. Imagine if you were in my place how the hell would u feel knowing the man that made your life a living hell is back and you just saw him with your own eyes how would you feel. Huh? tell me!
I'm not trying to be dramatic with him but when he told me calm down something in me just got ticked off. I know probably sounding like a bitch right now but I don't have the strength to care.
My head hurts and my thought does too I just want to go home and sleep.
"I'm sorry Jeremy I didn't mean to snap at you can you please take me home I just really need get some sleep in my own bed no offence."

"Oh uh yeah its fine sure I'll take you home come on grab your things and I'll wait for you down stairs by front door."
He told me. He sounded a little sad but it wasn't his fault I just need time to think and I can't do that here.
I want to sleep and pretend this whole day was just a nightmare.

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