Chapter 2

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So I know a few of you have been waiting a long Time for me to Update! And So here is Chapter two(:

Jeremy's P.O.V*

"Um Jeremy" she said a little annoyed. I didn't blame her though cause I'm annoyed with my self right now. I wanted to rush up to her tell her that I love her and I will never stop. But only thing keeping me from saying it is my mind over thinking things. Again gosh I feel like a girl right now.

When I found the words I asked her if I could come in. She seemed embarrassed because she forgot to invite me in. "Don't tell my mom about this, she would kill me" she said with a slight giggle. Man o man was she adorable when she laughed. "Come on in Jeremy" she said snapping me out if my thoughts. I walk in wiping snow off my shoes.

(Setting: its winter now!)

"So Brooke" I started

"Hey can I talk to you?

"Of course you can you don't have to ask B.

"Thanks J"

"So what do you want to talk to me about B" I asked her. I couldn't help notice how she was biting her lip nervously.

" Maybe u should sit down" she said her voice shaking at the end. I sat down watching her suspiciously.


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