Chapter 10

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Here is chapter ten for y'all

*Brooke's P.O.V*
I woke up in a strange place that certainly wasn't my fudging bathroom floor.
Suddenly everything rushes back to me. Me trying to commit suicide and the figure I saw and bang I heard right before I gave into the darkness praying for death to fonay get me.
I was knocked of of my thoughts when I tried move my arm but couldn't. I looked to where it was and saw it was chained to a wall. Well ain't that original. Not the sarcasm that's heavily falling. The smart person I am started pull on the stupid ass chains but they would budge. I kept pulling finally giving up after about fifteen minutes cause my wrist was staring to hurt and bruise.
I have no clue how long I was out for there's no window in here and it's dark as night if not darker if that's possible. I had find away get out of here no way was I gonna start playing damsel in distress I absolutely down right refuse. I may be week but I'm not dumb like some of them are.
I started to hear banging coming from what sounded like behind me I used my foot too feel walk since my hand were kind of busy. It hurt like a bitch more I tried move more the chains went into my wrist that had my now scabbing cuts. The notice got louder and I heard a scream then it went quite. I wasnt sure what happened and I really want sure if I wanted too.
I heard foot steps in the distance I pushed myself further into the wall hopeing that they would walk by or not coming near. Who the hell am I kidding Ive seen many kidnapping shows, I lucky I'm only chained to wall by my wrists. That means person isn't a perverted sicko. Well hopefully never reay know. The foot steps got closer and closer to me.I couldn't scoot back any further but dumb ass me tried bit end up hurting back my head off the cement wall which let me tell you it hurt like a bitch.
The person was close enough now probably sanding a foot away from me.
"Who's Are you!?" I shouted at him I could tell it was a guy from how strong his cologne was like dam how much of that shit do you need.
"None of your business bitch" dam someone's grouchie is it just me or every kidnapper love to shout insults cause god dam if he was closer I'd so kick I'm where sun don't shine for that commit. Even though a bitch is a female dog a dog barks bark is on trees and trees are in nature and natures beautiful so ha the giant idiot should take that on for a size. Damn I felt suck at comebacks o should probably say some of this shit out loud instead of talking to my self like the weirdo I am.

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