Guys and me

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Chapter 1

Sometimes girls think they have to have a boy friend. Accept they never realized guys can be asses. Instead of letting them break you down, talk to them about it. If that don't work then you have to break up with him. Even though you might not want to, if he keeps on being a ass then that's the thing to do. I know how it hurts. I broke up with my boyfriend because he didn't like me for my personality, he only wanted my body.

later on I was still wondering if I have made the right choice. after I thought about it for a while I realized if he's not gonna love me for me, he's not worth the heart break. I felt bad, at first because I thought he didn't deserve it. then the next day he messaged me I thought he wanted to be friends. I was wrong he still thought we were still dating. I admit I didn't have the courage to say we're not dating anymore. But I just couldn't talk to him then.

later on my best friend texted me telling me what he said to her. After she told me she asked if I was alright, I responded no. Pam kept asking me and kept trying to comfort me. We tried comforting each other with out either of us near. After I hung up the phone, I burst out crying. And asking why me?

later that night I called my other best friend and asked him "why guys had to be such asses!?" he asked me what happened and I told him that I was cheated on. The nice guy he is just kept telling me that there's the right guy out there. I just have give it time. I thanked him for helping calm me down, and hung up. After I hung up I mutter a 'I hope ur right.

Hey guys!! I know the book not the best but stick with me!! and read the book I promise it will get better!

part 2 chapter 1

- the one

Jeremy's pov*

after I hung up with broke I couldn't stop thinking about it. After awhile of thinking I realized that I like her! After realizing that I couldn't help but wonder if she liked me back. I felt bad for her she just had her heart broke, I wanted to be with her, and comfort her but I couldn't. I wanted to tell her that the right guy was me that I'm the one she wants. but I just told her that he's out there somewhere. man do I feel like a idiot.


I cried myself to sleep last night, asking no one in particular Is there really a guy out there for me!? Right now I feel like I'm a idiot for letting him have more chances than I should have. I heard my phone start vibrating and checked and saw Jeremy was calling me. I answered and tried to sound not as sad as I am. he asked how I was, I lied and told him alright even though I wasn't. I have been telling everyone that I'm alright so they wouldn't worry about me.

I had a feeling that he could see right through the lie ,but right now I didn't care. He asked me few more questions then we hung up. But what confused me was his last question, he asked "If I would ever date him"?! What was that supposed to mean? Did Jeremy like little o'l me? right now I'm sad, mad at myself and very confused. what did his question mean?

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