More Personal Stories?!

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So if you want one, comment your name (just first name is fine), age if you want, your favorite hobbies (for example of your in a band, tell me what it's called, your band members, etc.), some physical characteristics (hair color, eye color, short, tall, etc.), and anything else you might want me to know!
P.s. I know I said that I will be updating this story more often. And I know you are probably getting very annoyed with me for not updating. I'm just not feeling as inspired for this story anymore. I'm having a hard time figuring out where to keep going and when I try to update, I'm just hitting a dead end every time. I think I have something like 17 drafts that I haven't posted because I can't find a right one that you would all enjoy. Maybe comment some ideas on how you want this story to continue. Thanks, once again, and I LOVE YOU XOXO

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