First Day

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"Welcome everyone to the Academy of Mica Area. I am your secretary Ms. Helsberg. If you have any questions, come to me. But right now, I would like to present your mentors. You will have a partner your entire first semester. Your second semester, you will change. Now let's begin

"Lucy Fisher and Luke Bennigan, Percy Lakins and Sarah Beinkley, Dorris...

I had to find a Luke Bennifreak. Great. Partners? No one said anything about partners. Ugh. A felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Um hello. I'm Luke. Are you Lucy?

"Ya. So. I guess we're partners...

"Ya. Where are you from?

"Right here. I walk.

"Oh. I'm from Tennessee. Ya awhile away. My grandparents grew up there. Our old house is OLD. So should we unpack and find our room?

"OUR room?

"Ya. We share a room. We're partners.

"Great. The perks of being a sex academy student...

"Sex? Oh ya. Mica Academy is just a fake name. My aunt is Ms. Helsberg. That's how I got in. Ya. She's really sweet though.

"So. What room are we?

"368. The third floor

"Okay. I think I know where that is.

Ms. Helsberg spoke again

"Everyone, your room numbers are on your wrist bands we gave you. Lay your bags down then come back here for your first lesson. We are going to start with the basics.

"Okay. Let's go.

We had to go up the elevator with all of our huge bags. We were squished together. Awkward.

"368 right?

"Ya. Oh here it is. Ladies first.

He let me go in first. Okay. Maybe not so bad. But was it a 'I'm sweet I'm letting you go first' or a 'well I might as well let her go first since she's a girl'. I don't know. No need to stress it.

"Where's the elevator?

"Down the hall. First corner to the right.

"Thanks. It's kind of an advantage having a partner who knows the place well.

"Ya. So I guess we should head back to the commons room and Learn out first lesson. Are you as scared as I am?

"Probably more scared. What do you think it's going to be?

"We'll you know how we had to be virgins to get accepted?


"Well. I think today is the day that will change...

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