Chapter 2: Megaton

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Silver told us about a job in Megaton, so we headed there. My Pipboy beeped making me jump backwards into Jordan.

"Ahh!" I scream as I fall towards the rocky ground.

Jordan catches me and smirks, "You're such a wimp, Cy," He chuckles, looking at the Pipboy. "We're at Megaton apparently. But where is i-," 

I scoot towards Jordan as the ground seems to rumble. I tremble at the sound of metal screeching. Turning around, I see a huge metal structure moving. A gigantic door opens and a cowboy hat-bearing Protectron marches out.

"Howdy travelers! Y'all thirsty? Head inside!" 




I stumble out, crying. "W-why?" I question, "Why me?" I sob, clutching on to Jordan.

"Shh, it's ok," He holds up an object, "Wanna take a pitcher?"

I laugh and wipe my tears away. He gives me a piggyback ride and we head off in a random direction.

Author's note: Merry Christmas Eve! Sorry for the short chapter, I wanted to get something up before Christmas. Meep meep!

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