[1] Klaus

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Imagine: Taking a walk with Klaus.

You had moved to Mystic Falls about five months ago. You didn't really know anyone there, but you quickly befriended Caroline Forbes. Once you are friends with Caroline, you know everyone. Including the enemies.

It didn't take long for you to find out that basically everyone in the town was either a vampire or a werewolf. Then, a new person, well hybrid, came into town. Niklaus Mikaelson, or better known as Klaus. Everyone hated Klaus in Mystic Falls. Mostly because they feared him, they were terrified of him.

However, you weren't as scared of him as you should've been. You didn't know why, but something about Klaus kept you from fearing him. Something about him kept you from hating him. One day you were taking a walk around Mystic Falls, when Klaus approached you.

"You're name is Y/N, correct?" Klaus asked. You gave him a polite smile and nodded your head. "I take it by your silence that you know who I am," Klaus said with a small smile. "Yes, I do," you told him. "Well, Y/N, would you mind taking a walk with me?" Klaus asked.

You thought about it for a moment. After all, taking a walk with the most feared person in Mystic Falls wasn't always the smartest idea. "Sure," you said quietly after a few moments. Klaus smiled and started walking. You looked at him for a minute before catching up and walking alongside him. "I'm sure you have questions love, go ahead and ask," Klaus said.

You kept silent for a moment, thinking about what to ask him, but he took it the wrong way. He took your silence as a sign that you were scared of him. "I'm sorry I frighten you love," Klaus said. Your eyes immediately darted up to look into Klaus' eyes.

"What do you mean?" you asked. "I know that the things I have done make everyone see me as the big bad monster. I am sorry that you see me that way, that was never my intention," Klaus told you.

"Klaus you don't frighten me," you replied quietly. Klaus looked at you with slightly widened eyes that asked you to explain. "Look, Klaus, you're right. You have done some horrible things, but I still see some good in you. As long as I see that good, I'm not going to be frightened of you," you explained.

A small smile formed on Klaus' lips. Your eyes met his and you couldn't help but softly smile at him. "Why does it matter if I'm afraid of you?" you accidentally blurted out. "Well love, you are the most beautiful lady in all of Mystic Falls, and you fascinate me," Klaus said.

You felt a small blush rise to your cheek and a grin appeared on your face. "You're not as bad as they say Klaus," you told him. Klaus gave a small chuckle, and there was a moment of silence.

Soon, you reached your house. Klaus walked you up to the door and said, "Thank you for taking this walk with me Y/N. May I interest you in a dinner sometime?" A smile found a way to your lips even though you tried desperately to stop it.

"Okay Klaus, one dinner," you told him. Klaus smiled, took your hand, and kissed the top of it. "Until then love," Klaus said with a smirk before leaving.

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