[4] Damon

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For Fight-The-Fairies- :)
Imagine: You run into Damon at the grill and the two of you talk and find out that Damon killed your great grandpa.
SIDENOTE- You look similar to Elena and Katherine.

Y/F/N=Your Full Name

You had just moved to Mystic Falls about five months ago. You didn't even know Mystic Falls existed until your uncle left you his house in his will located there. When you arrived in the small city, of course you didn't know anyone, so you tried your best to fit in. However, in small towns everyone knows everyone.

So, everyone knew that you were new to town. You decided to look around Mystic Falls, after all, you were going to be living there now. You walked through the town and found a place called "The Mystic Grill."

The smell of the food from the place was delicious and you couldn't resist the temptation to go inside. When you walked in, most eyes were on you, but you didn't care. You sat down at a booth and began looking at the menu.

It wasn't long before somebody came and sat down across from you, on the other side of the booth. You glanced up from your menu to see that a man with black hair and blue eyes was sitting in front of you. He was very handsome and you wondered why he was sitting with you.

So you set down your menu and looked at the man. The man continued to look at you for a few moments and you raised an eyebrow, taking him out of his trance. "Sorry, you just remind me a lot of someone I know. Hi, I'm Damon Salvatore," he introduced, sticking out his hand.

You shook it and said, "I'm Y/F/N." Damon gave you a small smile and said, "It's nice to meet you. So, I heard that you were new to town." You nodded and said, "Yeah, my uncle lived here, and he passed away and he left his house to me in his will."

Damon gave you a sympathetic smile and said, "I'm very sorry about your uncle. Do you have any other family here?" You shook your head no and told him, "I didn't even know this place existed. My uncle always told me that he lived in Virginia, but he never told me the name of the city."

"Well you know I could help you look into some of your family history and see if there is a reason why your uncle was living here," Damon told you. "How is that even possible, aren't those supposed to be archived or something?" you asked.

Damon smirked and said, "Yeah, but I have friends who can help us out, if you'd like." You smiled and said, "Thank you Damon that would be great." Damon returned the smile and a man named Matt came up to your booth. "What can I get you?" he asked.

You ordered some food and expected Damon to do the same, but he just sat there. You thought that was kind of weird, but you just figured he ate before he came up to you. You quickly ate your food and then Damon showed you to the Sheriff's office.

Damon talked to a woman named Liz Forbes, the sheriff, and then she gladly showed you and Damon to the archives. As you were looking through the files for your family, Damon called your name. "What is it?" you asked, coming up to him.

"I think I found something," Damon told you, and handed you the file. You looked through the file, and it had a complete report of your family history. "This is it," you said excitedly. You continued to look through the file and found the name of your great-grandfather.

You continued to read about your great-grandfather and saw that he was killed in an animal attack. You handed the file to Damon who also read it. As Damon continued to read about your great-grandfather and how he died, you saw Damon's eyes go from happy to something else.

You couldn't quite put your finger on the emotion you saw in Damon's eyes, but you knew something was wrong. "I'll be right back," Damon said as he left the archives. You thought you did something, so you followed Damon and found him outside of the Sheriff's station, leaning against a wall. His back was turned towards you, so you couldn't see his face.

You came up behind Damon and asked, "What's wrong?" Damon spun around at the sound of your voice, and you saw that his eyes were red and the veins around it were popping out. "Damon...," you said quietly, as you took a step back.

After a few seconds, Damon's face returned back to normal. "What are you?" you asked. Damon sighed and said, "I can't tell you here." You nodded and followed Damon to a quiet place. Half of you was completely scared, but the other half was curious as to what Damon was, so you followed him.

"Don't be afraid of me," Damon said. "What are you?" you asked again. "A vampire," Damon told you. You let out a shaky breath and didn't know what to say. "A vampire?" you repeated. "Yes, you know those things that eat people," Damon said.

Your eyes immediately shot up to look into Damon's, and you took a step back. "Right, probably shouldn't have said that," Damon said. You couldn't talk, and you couldn't move. You just stayed there, staring at Damon.

"Look I wanted to apologize," Damon said. "For what?" you asked, finally regaining your voice. "Your great-grandfather's animal attack that killed him, was me," Damon told you with a hint of guilt in his voice.

You felt your heart race and part of you wanted to cry. You had just met the man who killed your great-grandfather. So, why were you still with him? "Why did you kill him?" you asked Damon. "Your great-grandfather was a vampire hunter. He nearly killed my brother and me. I was just trying to survive and protect myself," Damon explained.

You felt mad, but like you understood why Damon did what he did. "Okay," you told Damon. "Okay?" Damon asked, slightly confused. "Yeah, I don't know who you were back then, but you seem pretty nice right now. So I am giving you a chance, just don't bite me," you told Damon.

Damon gave you his classic smirk and said, "But biting is so much fun." You rolled your eyes at Damon and began making your way back to town. "My great-grandfather died in the 1910's. That makes you like a century old," you told Damon with a smile.

Damon let out a small chuckle and said, "Actually I am 176 years old." You looked at Damon with shock and said, "Well you definitely look good for your age." Damon smiled at you and said, "Thank you. You are pretty good-looking yourself."

You laughed at Damon's flirtatious behavior and you were almost to the Sheriff's station when you met Elena. Your eyes immediately widened as you realized that Elena's looks very much like you. Elena's face was also in shock as she took in your appearance.

"Y/N, meet Elena. Elena meet Y/N. Alright, Elena, we'll see you later," Damon said, as he pushed you into the Sheriff's station. "She looks so much like me," you told Damon. "I know," Damon replied. "That's crazy," you told him, still in shock. "Not in this town," Damon said, before the two of you went back to the archives.

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