[3] Stefan

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Imagine: Dancing with Stefan.

You and Stefan had always been close friends. You met him your junior year in high school. You and Stefan hung out a lot, because you were friends with Elena. You soon discovered that Stefan and Damon were vampires, and after that, you and Stefan became close.

You were his best friend, and he was yours. You knew how much Elena meant to him, so when Elena and Damon got together, you were there to help him through it. Elena left him three months ago. Over those three months, you had developed feelings for Stefan.

You couldn't help yourself from falling for the younger Salvatore. After Elena left him, you and Stefan spent so much more time together. The two of you laughed more together, had more fun together, and got to know each other better, leading to new feelings for Stefan. Little did you know that Stefan had also developed feelings for you.

You went to your history class and saw Stefan. "Good morning Y/N," Stefan greeted you. "Hey Stefan," you replied, sitting down at the desk next to his. A couple of minutes later, Elena came into the classroom with a bright smile on her face.

You looked over at Stefan and saw that he looked slightly more sad. "She doesn't know what she is missing," you told Stefan with a sympathetic smile. Stefan gave you a half smile and then class started.

Class ended a very long hour later. As you were walking through the hallway to get to your next class, an announcement was made for the school's Winter Ball. They were reminding you to buy your tickets to the dance before it was too late. You groaned at the thought of the dance.

You wanted to go, but you had no one to go with, and you didn't want to ask Stefan, because you didn't know if he was over Elena yet.

After school. Stefan met up with you. "Hey Y/N," he called, coming up to you. "What's up?" you asked, once Stefan was right next to you. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Winter Ball with me?" Stefan asked, nervously. Wait. He was over Elena?

Your eyes nearly bugged out of your head. Did Stefan, the sweet, hot Salvatore brother who you had a crush on, really just ask you to the dance? "Yes, I'd love to go," you replied with a large smile. Stefan returned the smile and the next couple of weeks went by pretty fast.

Finally, the day of the ball arrived. The theme of the ball was white, so you wore a beautiful white gown that hugged your body, and silver heels. Your hair was elegantly done, and your make-up was perfect. You accessorized with silver, dangly earrings, and a necklace. You looked absolutely stunning when you were completely ready to go.

Stefan picked you up around 7:00 o'clock. He knocked on your door, and when you opened it, his mouth dropped. "Y/N, you look gorgeous," Stefan told you. "Thanks, you look very handsome," you said with a blush.

Stefan was wearing a white tux, and his hair was combed neatly. "Thank you," he said, and he handed you a corsage. You couldn't help but smile. You looked for Stefan's car, but instead found a carriage with two white horses. "What's this?" you asked.

"Well, back in my day, when a ball was held, every maiden who attended the ball was supposed to be treated like a princess. So, tonight I wanted to treat you like a princess," Stefan explained. You smiled and Stefan helped you get into the carriage.

When you got to the dance, Stefan took a picture with you, and then you both proceeded to the mob of people dancing. Just as your entered the dancing room, a slow song began to play. "May I have this dance?" Stefan asked, extending his hand.

You nodded and took Stefan's hand. Stefan led you to the center of the dance floor. One of your hands was placed in Stefan's hand and your other hand was placed on Stefan's shoulder. Stefan's other hand dropped to your waist, and you slightly blushed at the feeling, but you continued the dance.

Stefan began to sing the words of the song to you as he waltzed you around the floor. Your body and Stefan's body were pressed together and you eyes were locked on his. This dance was all you needed to completely fall in love with Stefan Salvatore.

Slowly, you and Stefan both leaned in and kissed. It was a sweet slow kiss that was breath taking. You could feel everyone staring at you, and you could feel Elena's death glare on you, but you didn't care, because in that moment, it was just you and Stefan.

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