[2] Damon

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Imagine: Taking a road trip with Damon.

You met Damon when you first moved to Mystic Falls. That was two years ago, and over the years, you and Damon became really close friends.

"Hey boys," you said walking into the Salvatore Mansion. You were greeted by Stefan. "Morning Y/N," he said. You gave him a small smile, and soon Damon joined you guys. Damon gave you his classic smirk and you made your way into their living room.

"So what's the plan today?" you asked sitting down on the couch. "Well, we are trying to get a witch by the name of Rosie Smith to do a spell for us," Stefan told you. "Why do you need the spell?" you asked. "We need the spell to find a weapon that could kill Klaus," Damon explained.

"Okay, so we have to find the witch," you told them. "We already found her," Stefan responded. "Where is she?" you asked. "Houston, Texas," Damon replied with a fake smile. "Wait, you guys are going to Houston?" you asked with a smile.

"That's the plan," Stefan said. Seconds later, Stefan got a text. "What is it?" you asked. "It's Elena, she wants to go to her beach house for the weekend," Stefan replied. "But you're supposed to go on the road trip with Damon this weekend," you said.

"It's okay. Y/N you can just go with me instead of you, Stefan," Damon suggested. Your heart raced a little bit at the idea of you and Damon spending a whole weekend together, alone. Even though you and Damon had always just been friends, you had developed feelings for him. Damon was hot, sexy, and brave, and you couldn't deny the chemistry the two of you had.

Stefan looked at you, as if asking if it was okay if you went with Damon instead of him. "Yeah, Stefan go ahead and go with Elena, Damon and I will go to Texas," you told the boys. Stefan thanked you with a smile before going to Elena's house.

"So, Y/N. You, me, the whole weekend. Something is going to happen," Damon said with a playful smirk. You rolled your eyes, but you let out a chuckle. "Nothing is going to happen. Now go get packed," you told Damon.

"Keep telling yourself that Y/N, and I am packed," Damon replied. "Fine, then we will just quickly swing by my house, so I can get some clothes," you told Damon. Damon nodded, grabbed his bag, and you followed him out to his blue convertible.

You arrived at your house a few minutes later, and you quickly went inside. You packed tank tops, and shorts since you were going to Texas. You brought your favorite tennis shoes, and within five minutes, you were ready to go.

The car ride was filled with awkward silence for the first few minutes, so you turned on the radio. You favorite song came on, and you immediately started singing. You caught Damon staring at you. "What?" you asked him, a slight red tinting your cheeks. Damon shrugged his shoulders and said, "Nothing."

"I don't believe you. What is it?" you asked, looking at Damon. "You have a good singing voice," Damon told you. "I do not," you protested with a smile. "Yes you do. It's cute," Damon said with a smile.

You laughed and few moments later, a new song came on. You and Damon both sang, danced, and laughed at each other until you reached Houston. "So where is the witch?" you asked Damon. "She owns a diner a couple of miles from here," Damon answered.

It only took the two of you ten minutes to get to a small diner named, "The Smith's Cafe." You and Damon went inside and found Rosie Smith. She was an African-American with black hair and brown eyes.

"Can I help you?" she asked. "Yeah, we need you to do a spell Rosie," Damon said very forwardly. "I'm sorry I don't know what you are talking about," Rosie replied. "Sure you do, you know the whole magic thing," Damon said. "Sir, I'm afraid you have the wrong person," Rosie said.

"Look, ma'am, we just need you to do one spell. A locator spell. Then we will go away," you promised before Damon could get mad. Rosie sighed but agreed to help. She did the spell and said, "The weapon you seek is located in New York.:

"Can you be more specific?" Damon asked. "Locator spells don't pinpoint exact locations. They just give you an idea, but I am sensing it is near the center of the city. Now I've done my part, please go," Rosie replied.

You nodded, thanked her, and pushed Damon out the door before he could annoy Rosie anymore. "So where next? New York?" you asked Damon getting in the car. " First, we are going to a motel. I'm tired, and your tired," Damon said.

Damon drove to an old motel that was nearby and checked in. He handed you the room key and grabbed your bag and his bag. "Such a gentlemen," you told Damon with a smile. Damon smiled and said, "I know."

You opened the door to the motel and saw that there was only one bed. "I'll take the floor, you take the bed," you told Damon, going into the room. "No, you can sleep on the bed with me. Unless you are afraid something will happen between us," Damon said with a smirk on his face.

You swallowed, hard, but managed to roll your eyes at Damon. Damon crawled under the covers and patted a spot on the bed next to him. You waited a few seconds, and then crawled into the bed next to Damon.

Your back was turned to him, but you could feel his eyes on you, so you turned back around to face him. "Whatcha doing?" you asked. "Just admiring the beauty," Damon responded. You laughed and said, "Thanks." "So you will be joining me on the trip to New York, right?" Damon asked. "Sure, I'll go with you," you replied.

"Great, so then I have a question," Damon said. "What?" you asked. "Do you like me?" Damon questioned. "Of course I do Damon, I wouldn't be here if I didn't like you," you answered. "No, I mean more than a friend," Damon said.

Your heart skipped a beat as you struggled to find words. You wanted to tell Damon the truth. You wanted to tell him that you liked him as more than a friend, but you didn't want to get rejected. So you just asked, "Why do you ask?"

"Because I don't want it to be awkward between us after I do this," Damon said, and then he pressed his lips to your. It was a sweet, gentle kiss that made you both smile. You kissed Damon one more time and Damon said, "See I told you something would happen between us."

//Sorry this one is kind of long, but I hope you liked it.//

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