[6] Damon

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Requested by: Naniboo2004

Imagine: Damon and you go on a date, but when things so a little unplanned, will Damon fix everything?

You had lived in Mystic Falls for most of your life. You loved the town, and new everyone in it. That meant that you knew about the infamous Damon Salvatore.

He was the bad boy, the heartless vampire who was charming, handsome, and trouble. Your friends warned you about them, but somehow, you still couldn't help yourself from falling for his charms. And Damon, couldn't help but fall for you either.

The first time he asked you out was two weeks ago he was sweet, and romantic --exactly the opposite of how you expected him to be. You had a great time and only fell for Damon more, and he fell for you. So here you were, going out on your fourth date with Damon, tonight.

Even though you had been on other dates with Damon, you were still nervous every time and you tripled checked to make sure that you looked just right. You made sure that the outfit, the hair, the shoes, and the make-up was perfect.

Then, you heard Damon knock on your door. Our heart skipprd a beat when you heard the knocks and you rushed over to your door. You composed yourself and opened the door to a very happy Damon.

"Hello, Y/N," Damon said in his sexy voice as a smirk danced on his lips. "Hi, Damon," you replied. "Aren't you going to invite me in?" Damon asked. You clicked your tongue and said, "I don't know if I trust you enough yet."

Damon held a hand to his heart and pretended to be in pain. "You know, Y/N, that hurt. That actually hurt," he told you. You chuckled a little before walking out your door and coming face to face with Damon.

"Are you ready to go?" you asked Damon. "Wait," he said, making you stop moving for a moment. He looked over your body and came close to your ear and whispered, "You look amazing as always, Y/N."

You felt the blush rise to your cheeks as a smile found its way to your lips. "Thanks Damon, you look great too," you replied making eye contact with him.

"Of course I do, I'm me," Damon replied with a smile. You rolled your eyes at him, but managed to chuckle a little. "Alright, let's go," you told Damon. "After you," Damon replied.

You smiled and walked to Damon's car and Damon opened the door for you. You got in and waited for Damon to get in as well.

You didn't know where you were going, but it wasn't hard to guess when Damon parked nearby the Mystic Falls Grill. You didn't mind going to the grill, and in fact, it made you feel more confident since you knew the place.

Damon and you were seated at a quiet table, and Matt was your waiter. You and Damon talked for a while, until all of a sudden, Alaric came up to Damon.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting, but can I talk to you?" Alaric asked. Damon looked at you as if asking if it was okay. "Go ahead, but make it quick," you told him. Damon nodded and quickly got up and went over to Alaric.

"This better be important," Damon said. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't," Alaric replied. "Fine, what is it?" Damon asked. "Klaus. He's been taking the Mystic Falls girls for information of you and Stefan. He already got Elena and Bonnie, but they broke free," Alaric explained.

"So we need to keep an eye out for Klaus?" Damon asked. "Yes, and keep a close eye on Y/N. I have a bad feeling that Klaus will be going after her next," Alaric told Damon.

Damon nodded and then looked back to the table that you were just sitting at, but you were gone. "Alaric, where's Y/N?" Damon asked. Alaric looked at the empty table and both men got a blank expression on their faces.

The two men searched the entire diner -- they even sent two girls into the bathroom to look for you -- but they couldn't find you. "Damn it," Damon muttered.

"Don't freak out, Damon. We'll find her," Alaric reassured. Damon texted Elena and Bonnie and asked where Klaus had taken them when he kidnapped them.

They texted him the address and Damon and Alaric wasted no time on getting there. Sure enough, at the same location, there were some of Klaus' loyal guards.

"How are we going to get in there? I haven't been invited in," Damon stated. "I'll be the distraction, you just go in and get your girl," Alaric replied. Damon gave Alaric a dubious look and then agreed to the plan.

Alaric went in first and drew most of Klaus' minions away. Then Damon went up to the door and knocked on it. A human man came to the door and Damon compulsed the man to invite him in.

Once inside, Damon moved quick throughout the house, killing anyone who got in his way. Nothing -- no one -- was going to stop him from saving you.

He finally found the room that you were being held in. You were chained to a chair and were bleeding, heavily. Damon let out a soft, sad sigh at the sight of you, and the Klaus appeared.

"Damon Salvatore. Come to watch? The fun has only just started," Klaus stated. Damon gave Klaus a bitch face and Klaus continued, "Oh wait a minute, that's right -- you fancy Y/N. My guess is you've come to save her, correct?" Klaus asked. Damon continued to stare daggers into Klaus, but he didn't say a word.

"I'll take that as a yes then. Well I'm sorry to disappoint, but that won't be happening," Klaus said. "Yeah? Why not? I've alreadt taken care of your pets, so it shouldn't be hard to kill you," Damon stated.

Klaus gave Damon a smirk and said, "There's the feisty Damon I know, I was beginning to think that you had lost your voice box." Damon rolled his eyes and then lunged at Klaus.

The two vampires fought at high speed, making it seem as if there were only two blues that kept moving around. Then, Klaus pinned Damon to the ground.

"Was your plan really to kill me?" Klaus asked. Damon laughed and said, "No, I'm not the one who's gonna kill you." Klaus looked at Damon slightly confused and asked, "Then who is?"

"I am," replied Alaric as he shot the dagger into Klaus. Klaus' body fell to the floor with a thud, and after giving Damon a small nod, Alaric left. Damon rushed over to your side and cut the ropes.

He picked you up and then ran back to his mansion. He laid you on his bed and bit his wrist. He placed his wrist to your lips and let his blood slip into your mouth so that you could be healed.

Once you were completely healed, you thanked Damon for rescuing you. "It was the least I could do," Damon told you. You laughed and Damon crawled underneath the covers with you and flipped on the TV.

He wrapped his arm around you just as your favorite movie began to play. You smiled to yourself and said, "This night couldn't get better."

Damon laughed and said, "You just got kidnapped and tortured by a bloodthirsty original vampire. How can you say that?" "Because it led me to this moment. Perfect movie -- perfect guy," you told Damon.

Damon chuckled and said, "I think I have something that can make this night a little bit better." "What is it?" you asked curiously.

Damon reached down and pulled up a pizza box from the side of the bed. "I stole it on the way home," Damon told you. A bright smiled appeared on your face as Damon put the pizza box on the bed.

"Thank you, Damon, this is perfect," you said as you kissed Damon's cheek. Damon had a small blush, and covered it up with a smile. The rest of the night was spent with cuddles, pizza, movies, and kisses.

//Hope you liked it. Sorry if it's a bit long. Thanks for reading! I love you guys! Sorry for any typos
-- Katherine --//

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 ⏰

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