chap. 2

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Nya's pov

Me and Elias were invited to a 'mommies' fashion shoot. We were wearing matching outfits and it was adorable. Of course I'd where the feminine version, if anyone's wondering. We wore our timberlands, blue jeans and he wore a white tee and i wore a white crop top. (in media)

When the shoot was done we had to go visit a man if law at the mall. I have no idea why. Its probably got something to do with my father, as he was a politician.
As soon as we arrived there, it was surrounded by men in black. Some had machine guns ready and i was slightly scared. I pulled down the hood of the buggy, so my boy didn't have to see this. I on the other hand was used to being around stuff like this. When i was little my family was proper ghetto, in the hood type. I managed to escape the road life style, and I'm grateful. On the other side, my father worked with the government. It was so privet it didn't know what he was.

A saw a man sitting at the cafe waved to me, so i went over and took my seat.

"I see you've brought your little brother or something." When he made that statement it made me mad.

"Excuse me?! This something you call, is my son!" I defended.

"So young. Do you know who the father is?" Noisy ass. I thought to myself.

"I'm twenty-two. Yes young, but not that young. And why you interrogating me?" I wanted to shout and curse, but my baby is in the buggy.

"Well I'm here because I've been sent by your father."

"Well turn around tell him to fuck the hell away from me and my son. He left me and my mother and didn't even try to see me; at least." I spat.

"Well its not that. I'm here to say his in a private hospital and has been seriously injured and the doctors say he could only make it to two months."

"So-.. he wasn't there for me, when i had to cry myself to sleep every night, knowing someone i loved was going to die. In all those years i could've died, but not even a postcard." I said feeling a tear run down my face.

"Well I'm sorry, miss Clark. I truly am. But we've been paid millions for him to see at least once, before be goes. And the rest of his money has been referred to your bank."

"Well i don't want it, but may need some of it. Maybe one visit couldn't hurt?" I sighed to myself in defeat.

"That's all, miss. Take this card if anything." He said handing me a white card.

We got home as quick as possible. I put Elias in his crib, then started crying. I needed comforting, but i had no one. I went back in Elias's room and picked up his sleeping body. I laid him in my bed with me and cuddled him close to me. I just noticed how big he was getting and how he looked of his father. How much I'd hate to admit it, i think i should've told him about Elias. I feel into a deep slumber, thinking about the family we could've had or if things didn't work out i know he'd be there for his son.

~hey peeps! Things will be getting interesting very soon.
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