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where have you been all day?

i've wrung my hands, worried away

next time tell me you're leaving 

so im not left with my chest heaving

please have this, you need to eat

for your body to be complete

you must stay healthy, pretty please

if you aren't i'll never be at ease

what did i tell you about strangers

their eyes become the biggest dangers

and i don't want you to get sucked in

and lose the fire you have within

to suck that fire out, and breath it in

in the form of choking black smoke

to prick the layers of your skin

and bleed out every word I've spoke

because one day you'll bleed out

and i don't know how id go without

someone to lift up my chin

so baby please, where have you been?

Getting really close to wrapping this collection book up! Don't worry though! I'll start another very soon (:

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