Goodnight - Kagehina

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"Hurry up, Kageyama! It's snowing outside!" Hinata yelled, dragging the black-haired boy out of the club room.

"Calm the hell down, dumbass! It'll still be snowing in ten minutes." Kageyama pulled his hand from Hinata's, blushing slightly. Why does he have to be so damn adorable?

"But I want to leave early so we can have time to stop and play in the snow!" Hinata whined, grabbing his bike. He and Kageyama started off down the road, walking home together like they always do.

"Why are you so excited about playing in the snow?" Kageyama asked the small, orange, bouncing ball of energy next to him.

"I don't know, it's just so nice and pretty." Hinata looked to the side, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh," was all Kageyama could say.

A few minutes later, Hinata saw a nice big clearing of snow and stopped in his tracks, "Wait! Right here!"

Kageyama barely had time to put down his stuff before Hinata was pulling him down into the snow.

"What the hell are you doing?" Kageyama gasped, wiping snow from his eyes. Hinata couldn't help but notice the cute way Kageyama's nose turned a slight pink at the sudden cold.

"I knew you wouldn't want to get in the snow fully because you wouldn't want to get dirty, so I decided to pull you in so you wouldn't even have a choice. This way you are already wet and dirty so you can play freely." Hinata shrugged, then proceeded to throw a snowball at Kageyama.

"Oi, watch it!" Kageyama growled.

"Make me!" Hinata taunted, before running behind a tree. Kageyama grinned at his childishness, then chased after him, making a snowball on the way.

Kageyama and Hinata chased each other around, throwing snowballs at each other for a good ten minutes before shit hit the fan.

Hinata ran around the edge of the clearing backwards, watching Kageyama run after him. Just as he turned back around, he tripped on a stray tree root, falling down hard. Hinata sat up, rubbing his ankle in pain.

"What's wrong?" Kageyama rushed over, gently taking Hinata's ankle and examining it.

"I-I think I sprained it or something when I tripped over that stupid root. It freaking hurts!" He yelled clawing at the ground.

"My house is like ten minutes from here, you can stay there tonight, since your house is still like another half hour away. Here, let me help you stand up." Kageyama draped Hinata's arm around his shoulders and hauled him up. He acted as a crutch for Hinata as they started making their way to his house while also rolling Hinata's bike along with them.

"Y-you don't have to let me stay, Kageyama." Hinata stuttered, nervous about the fact that he and Kageyama will be sleeping in the same room together. He blushed at the thought.

"You're hurt, dumbass. You wouldn't be able to go home anyways, seeing as the roads are blocked off." Kageyama nodded further down the road at the orange cones blocking off the road.

"I mean I guess." Hinata said, wincing as his foot skimmed the floor.

"I'll wrap it up once we get inside." Kageyama promised as he pulled out his keys and opened the door.

"Thanks." Hinata hobbled inside and sat in the armchair.

"No problem." Kageyama said, grabbing the first aid kit. He set to work on Hinata's ankle.


"You're sure that your parents don't mind me spending the night?" Hinata asked.

"No, they're never here anyways." Kageyama rolled his eyes, reassuring Hinata for what was probably the hundredth time.

"Okay," Hinata said, looking around, "Umm, where do I sleep?"

"Oh, well we only have two bedrooms and you can't go into my parents' so you'll sleep in mine."

"Alright." They walked into Kageyama's room, before noticing another issue. There was only one bed and nothing for Hinata to sleep on the floor with.

"You don't mind sh-sharing a bed, do you?" Kageyama muttered, hiding his blush.

"I-I guess not." Hinata blushed as well, before climbing into bed with Kageyama.

Ten minutes passed, then twenty, then thirty and neither of them were close to sleeping. Hinata couldn't help but notice the way that Kageyama snuggled his pillow, silently wishing that it was him he was snuggling, and Kageyama couldn't help but notice the way Hinata's hands kept touching his lips and mouth, silently dreaming of touching those lips with his.

Eventually, Hinata decided fuck it and pulled the pillow away from Kageyama, quickly slipping in the space left behind.

"What-what are you doing?" Kageyama asked, but pulled him closer anyways.

"I was lonely." Hinata shrugged, burying his face in Kageyama's chest.

Kageyama had an internal debate, before saying YOLO and kissed Hinata on the top of the head. However, Hinata was not satisfied with that and replaced his forehead with his lips.

They pulled away a couple minutes later, resuming their cuddling.

"You know what, Kageyama?" Hinata asked.


"I'm glad I sprained my ankle, because this would never have happened otherwise."

"I hope we can do this more often." Kageyama admitted.

"Me too." Hinata agreed.

Kageyama placed a small kiss on HInata's cheek, "Goodnight, Hinata."

Hinata buried his face in Kageyama's chest, smiling, "Goodnight, Kageyama."

They fell asleep almost instantly, finally content in each other's arms.

*A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS MY LOVELIES!! Or Happy Holidays if you don't celebrate Christmas!

Okay, so I know I rarely update the fics that are already up so why the fuck am I uploading a one shot, you may find yourself asking. Well, on tumblr I have a friend call kk (ketakana is her username and you should all totally follow her) and we were talking and then she randomly said IM GONNA GIVE YOU A PRESENT FOR CHRISTMAS so then I said ME TOO IMMA GIVE YOU A PRESENT and since I can't draw for shit or do anything else that could be given through tumblr, I decided to write her a one shot. I asked her which ship she wanted and she said anything from the anime Haikyuu!! so I decided to use my OTP from that anime, Kagehina. I literally wrote this at like 11 pm on Christmas Eve and I posted it on tumblr at like midnight on Christmas day. And I decided, since I also write fanfic here on wattpad, why not just post it? So I did.

Long story short, you should follow my tumblr. Jk jk (its mssouleater). Anyways, merry Christmas and happy Holidays and I'll see you guys (well more like write I guess) next week when I update My Life.

-Zowie <3 <3 <3

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