Colors - Iwaoi

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Blacks. Whites. Greys.

That's all I see, all they see, all everyone sees. Well, except for those lucky bastards that have met each other and go around gawking at the world as if it were some pretty thing.

It's not though. It's dark and gloomy and very much black and white for the rest of us. Obviously there are some greys, but that's just what happens when you mix blacks and whites together. You get greys.

No changes to life at all. Every now and then you hear some mindless gossip about how 'that nice girl down the street has met someone'. But that's just exactly that. Mindless gossip.

It doesn't do us any good, knowing who met their 'other half' or where they live or where they're going to live or who it was they met. No, it doesn't help us who can still only see blacks and whites and greys.

And people always tell me to cheer up. "You'll find them someday, don't worry," they say, trying to reassure me, trying to make me hopeful.

But they always seem to forget the people who are 55, 65, 75, hell even 85 fucking years old that have never seen anything more than the blacks and whites and greys that everybody else has seen.

"Be hopeful," they say, "Just believe," they say. But what about those that have hoped and dreamed and wished and are now dead without even seeing so much as the supposed 'blue' sky or the 'green' grass.

That's why I couldn't help but be stubborn and hopeless and not believe them when they say that I will find them, my 'other half', my 'soul mate'. No matter how many nights I would stay up and pray or how many stars I would wish upon. I just couldn't bring myself to believe it.

But all it takes to change a non-believer is a head down on a busy sidewalk and a bump and a couple of gasps as the world is filled with hues of blue and green and red. But as soon as they left they were back. The blacks and whites and greys.

I turned around and saw a grey hand attached to black spikey hair offering to help me up. However, the second I touched it, the hand turned the color of caramel. Or what I assumed caramel would look like.

I looked up at the guy, I assumed he was about my age, in awe.

"Do you see them to?" I whispered.

He nodded, "So beautiful."

We held each other's gaze until people started complaining about how we were blocking the way.

"Would you, uh, like to get some coffee?" He asked.

"Absolutely," I said, smiling.

"What's your name?"

"Oikawa Tooru, you?"

"Iwaizumi Hajime."

"It's nice to finally meet you, Iwa-chan." I giggled, linking our fingers as we walked.

"Dumbass," he sighed, shaking his head. But I saw a hint of a smile.

Now my world is filled with colors, so many and so bright that it's hard to believe that not everyone can see them. And though it's been many years since that first encounter, many arguments, many apologies, many jokes and smiles, and now even one grave, I still love my Iwa-chan, the one who brought blues and greens and reds into my life of blacks and whites and greys.

*A/N: Why hello there readers! So I'm planning on doing more Iwaoi, Kagehina, BokuAka and KuroKen but if you want other ships from other animes, bands, shows, etc. I will try to write them if I feel confident enough with the characters and ships. So either comment or message me about what you want and I will try to deliver. That is all, thank you!


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