Not A Mere Peasant - Kagehina

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Once upon a time, not that long ago, there was a king that spiked fear in his peoples' hearts. His face alone could cause a hardened warrior running. His name was said in hushed whispers, as if he could hear you if you spoke his name too loud. It was passed down throughout the village closest to the castle, going from person to person, hut to hut, farm to farm.

Kageyama Tobio.

However there was one person who was not afraid of that name. There was one person that smiled sweetly at the sound of the words rolling off of the tongue.

His name was Hinata Shoyo.

Hinata lived in the outskirts of town, farthest from the castle. His little hut was burried in the trees, in a little clearing just big enough to let the sun peak through and say hello.

He always smiled at people, always helped a person in need, and was always there to brighten someone's day. Everyone in the village loved him.

One day, Kageyama got ridiculously furious. He was so furious that he couldn't think straight. So, he got on his horse and rode away.

Away from the castle.

Away from the village.

And into the mass of trees that he hoped would take him far away.

A few minutes later, the king stopped, confused at the sight in front of him.

A little cottage with the sun shining directly on it. Next to the house a little horse, happily eating some hay. On the other side was a beautiful garden filled with crops on one half, and gorgeous flowers on the other.

The king never knew a place existed this far into the woods. Who would want to live this far away from everyone? With that thought, Kageyama jumped down from his horse and started towards the front door.

As he was lifting his hand up to knock on the door, a small voice spoke up from behind him, "I'm sorry, but no one is going to answer you if you knock."

"Excuse me?" The king replied, turning around to see the cutest little orange ball of sunshine ever.

"No one is going to answer you if you knock. No one is inside." The boy answered again, politely.

"And why is that?"

"Because the only on that lives here is me, and I'm already out here with you, silly!" The boy giggled.

"I am not silly! I am the king of this kingdom and I demand you to tell me your name!"

"Oh, you're the king? You're not as scary as everyone says you are. Well, anyways, my name is Hinata Shoyo and it's a pleasure to meet you." Hinata smiled sweetly, extending his hand out for the king to shake.

The king firmly grasped the hand and shook it, "I am King Kageyama, however you can just call me Kageyama." The king paused for a second, confused about the events that had just happened.

"Why aren't you scared of me?" Kageyama asked cautiously.

"Well, what is there to be scared of? I mean, your face can be kind of scary, and you did kind of yell at me, but that's not really that bad. I think you just get a bad reputation, and so you act a certain way to uphold that reputation, even though it might not be completely accurate to who you actually are as a person." Hinata smiled.

And Kageyama just stood there, gaping at the boy, who was not really a boy, wondering how he could have possibly known that.

From then on, Kageyama would ride out to Hinata's cottage every week and spend the day with him. They became best friends.

And then slowly, Kageyama started to notice how cute the way that Hinata talks with his hands was, and Hinata started to notice how adorable Kageyama looks when he starts to talk about something he's very passionate about.

And soon Kageyama became aware of the fact that Hinata was not just a mere peasant, and Hinata realized that Kageyama is so much more than a scary king.

However, their love has to be kept hushed. A peasant and a king? How abusrd! Never in a million years would a king fall in love with a peasant!

Kageyama hated it. He hated how he couldn't tell the world about his love for the cute orange ball of sunshine. He hated how he couldn't rule the land with the love of his life.

Hinata hated it just as much. He hated how he couldn't defend his love when the other villagers were talking about him without sounding suspicious. He hated how he had to keep their love confined to the clearing only big enough for the sun to peak through and say hello.

One week, Kageyama came riding to the cottage bearing horrible knews.

"My advisor says I must marry the queen of the neighboring kingdom before the end of the month. If I don't, our kingdoms will go to war." He stopped and studied the face of his love. It looked like the face of somebody who had just been punched in the gut.

After a long silence, Hinata whispered, "You must do what is right for your people. As much as it pains me to say this, the kingdom must come first." Tears had started to stream down both of their faces.

Another long silence followed. In that silence Kageyama came up with an idea.

"What if I didn't have to worry about a kindgom?"

"Well then we would be together wouldn't we? But that is just not the case." Hinata was sobbing, not able to handle the idea of his love marrying someone else.

"But what if someone else took over my job? What if someone else had to marry that stupid queen?"

"Well that would be amazing, but that is not possible!"

"But what if it is?" Hinata started to speak, but Kageyama stopped him, "Listen to me. We could run away. Just leave this all behind us. We could go somewhere that I'm not king and we could get married and live together for the rest of our lives. If we leave right now, we would be too far gone for them to ever catch us. Someone else would be king and would be forced to marry that stupid queen."

"You're insane, did you know that?" But then a smile broke out on Hinata's face.

"So I take that as a yes?"

"Of course it's a freaking yes! Let's leave, right now, and get married somewhere on the way to wherever it is we're going."

"Where are we going?"

"I have no idea, but honestly who cares! Certainly not me, as long as you're by my side." Then they kissed. A long and passionate kiss. The kiss that only happens when two souls mould perfectly with one another and two hearts are linked onto one chain.

They jumped into their horses and rode away. They rode so far away that no one in that damned kingdom ever heard of them again and they lived happily ever after.

The End.

*A/N: Hey my lovelies! I'm sorry that this one shot is kinda shit, I've just started to get back in the groove of writing. I had to take a short (long) break bc I was so stressed out. And I mean, I'm probably more stressed out now than I was then, but I just had the itch to write, ya know?

Anyways I hope you guys liked this anyways despite the ridiculous level of crap it is. Thanks for reading it I'm so thankful for you guys!

Till next time,

P.S. This is almost at 1,000 reads! That's amazing guys thank you so much. I love you all <3

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