Cancel That Request - Bokuaka

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Five months. Five fucking months. For five fucking months I've had to deal with this assholes bullshit. I tried to be patient, honestly I did, but you try waking up to a goat pissing on the side of your bed while wearing a pair of white underpants on it's head. Yeah, not fun. And this ass-hat thinks it's so funny whenever I yell at him for hanging a piñata up in our room for the third time that week or for having a piss bucket right next to his bed because he's too lazy to walk down the hall to the bathroom and then knocking it over when he's piss drunk, pun not intended.

I've dealt with his stupid parties and stupid friends and stupid drunk self and his just general stupidity for way too long. I finally worked up the balls to submit that damn roommate exchange form.

"Are you sure? I mean, he can't be that  bad." My best friend and AR Kenma asked absentmindedly, he was probably preoccupied with playing the newest game on his playstation or some shit.

"Yes I'm sure! I mean, he has his moments where he's sweet or thoughtful, and he is pretty hot, not gonna lie, but I just can't handle everything else." I sighed, placing my head in my hands. I hated having to do this, but I did give him five fucking months to get his shit together. And I wasn't lying about him having his good sides. There were times when he would miss a party to help me study, or he would bring me lunch after classes, or he would even just make me a cup of coffee in the morning. And the view of him shirtless while he's changing isn't bad either. But, the bad outweighs the good, barely, but enough to tip the scale.

"Alright," I heard Kenma groan and some shuffling and clicking noise, then, "So, Akaashi Keiji is requesting a roommate change for a double room. What's your roommate's name again?"

"Bokuto Koutarou."

"Alright, it's done. You have two weeks to cancel that exchange or until we find you a roommate, whichever come firsts. Is Bokuto aware of the fact that you're doing this whole exchange thing?"

I sighed, running my hands through my hair, "No, he doesn't. I wanted to request it before I lost the nerve, and then I was going to tell him."

"Tell who what?" I jumped at the voice that suddenly materialized behind me. I turned and looked in shock at Bokuto, his usually spiky, white-and-black hair plastered against his face, dripping wet from the showers. His yellow eyes glowed with curiosity.

"I'll call you back." I told Kenma as I hung up the phone, ignoring the yells of protest coming from the other end.

"So..." Bokuto prompted sitting next to me on my bed, close enough that our knees touched, but not so close that it was uncomfortable.

"Well, that was Kenma that I was just on the phone with-"

"Our AR?" 

"Yeah, I was just telling him," I paused, unsure as to how to continue that sentence, but then I though about that fucking goat and my nerve steeled, "I requested a roommate exchange." I looked him right in the eye when I told him, and I could see every emotion that flickered across his face. First I saw shock take over his features, then confusion, and then hurt that settled deep into his eyes.

"Wh-why?" He sounded on the verge of tears and my heart broke.

"I just-I can't handle the parties you through and how stupid you act when you get drunk and all of the stupid shit you do to our dorm, like bringing a goat inside that pisses on the sides of beds and owning a fucking piss bucket that your drunk self knocks over almost every time!" I gasped for air, everything having spewed out on an impulse.

There was silence after that for awhile. He just let everything sink in. I saw what looked like regret in his eyes as he reflected over everything I just said. I didn't prompt him or force him to speak in anyway until he was ready.

"I can change," he started cautiously, "Please, just give me a little bit of time. I'll go completely clean and I'll stop hosting and going to parties and I'll prove to you that I'm a good roommate, just please don't make me leave you." His little speech hit me hard, especially those last few words. Originally I was pissed beyond belief, happy and willing to move his stuff out for him, but now, looking into his eyes and seeing him this vulnerable made me rethink. And it definitely had nothing to do with the way my knee had started to tingle pleasantly. 

"Alright, I have two weeks to cancel the request, which means you have two weeks to prove to me that you can change." I reluctantly gave in, almost instantly regretting my words.

"Thank you so much, Akaashi!" Bokuto yelled and threw himself at me, enveloping me in a giant bear hug. After a couple of seconds, I got over my initial shock and hesitantly wrapped my arms around him. Then, for reasons unknown, I squeezed him back, almost as hard as he was squeezing me. As we hugged, I slowly felt my regret melt away and a sense of warmth and comfort fill it's place. After awhile, we both reluctantly pulled away from each other.

"It's-it's no problem, Bokuto." I said a little breathlessly. His smile was so bright, it melted my heart instantaneously. 

"I'll be right back, okay? I need to tell Kuroo that I can't go to the party tonight, and then I'll buy some popcorn and we can watch a movie tonight, okay?" It was Bokuto's turn to sound a little breathless as he stood up and slowly edged backwards towards the door.

"Okay." I smiled at him as he turned and rushed out of the dorm. I could hear him singing all the way down the hall, until he finally got into the elevator.

As soon as his singing stopped, I let out a little breath of relief and flopped backwards onto my bed. My hand found it's way to my chest, and I felt my heart beating abnormally fast. I sensed a goofy smile stretch across my face. My knee was still tingling. My face started to heat up as I thought about the hug. I grabbed the pillow closest to me and buried my face in it as I thought to myself, 'What the hell am I doing?'

A/N: Hello my lovelies! Yet another installment of my haikyuu one shots. I planned more to this one shot, but it was getting a little long (I like to keep one shots a little over 1,000 words). So originally I planned to go into more depth of what Bokuto does and it was gonna end with them kissing and Bokuto goes to get something and while he's gone Akaashi calls Kenma and asks him to cancel that request (get it? the title? yeah? no? okay...). Anyways so I'm gonna go now. I'll do more one shots later <3

Till next time,


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2016 ⏰

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