Guy Next Door: Epilogue

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Kellin slowly pushed open the bedroom door and found Anahi laying on the floor, holding a pillow against her chest. His heart ached at the sight of her. As he cautiously neared her, he held his breath and tried to search for any sign of her being awake. Anahi's back was to him and she faced the beaten up, chipped wall.

"Anahi?" Kellin's lips muttered. The silence of the house must've turned her into an empty shell. No response. No sign of her even being alive.

"He's gone. He took him away." She whispered, her voice emotionless and cold. A rush of relief ran throughout Kellin. He gently kneeled down beside her and placed his hand on her arm. He felt her sharply hold in a breath and flinch, causing him to instantly pull his hand back. He looked down at his fingertips and noticed little dabs of blood.

"It's okay. I'm here. It's Kellin." He whispered, trying to assure her that he wouldn't hurt her. He noticed her close her eyes and open them back up again before she sat up and curled up into a ball, hiding most of her face in the pillow. Kellin looked down at the pillow and noticed spots of blood on it. He gulped and wrapped his hand around hers, trying to pull her out of the hole she was in. She held a breath in and cowered away. "Shhh it's okay. Let me see your arms. I want to see them." He pleaded. It took a few second before she gently let go of the pillow she was clinging onto and held out her arms. Kellin could feel the tears welling up in his eyes at the sight of the countless lines covering Anahi's upper arms. The amount of cuts on her arm made you dizzy and couldn't let you estimate how many there was. Her arm, he thought to himself, it's just red. One individual cut was surrounded by blood rushing beneath her skin and created a red tint to her skin which evolved into the straight line of pure blood. Some cuts had blood dripping from the open wounds. It killed Kellin knowing how familiar that sight was, so familiar he can feel the cuts himself as well.

Kellin curled his finger underneath Anahi's chin and gently lifted her head which revealed even more bodily harm. Her left eye was surrounded in blue, purple and black. Her lower lip, busted and bleeding slightly. Kellin could feel the anger growing within his heart. How can someone hurt such a sweet and caring person? How can anyone hurt the love of his life? That bastard, he said to himself, he did this. He hurt my Anahi, my princess.

Kellin took it as a surprise at how Anahi was handling him seeing all those cuts and bruises. All the hope and light was gone from her eyes and were instead dead, cold and dull. This wasn't Anahi. She wasn't herself. "Let's get you cleaned up." Kellin soothed, gently taking the pillow away from her. She slowly nodded and accepted Kellin's help in getting up. They made their way to the bathroom and walked into the messy room. Bottles of vodka and pills were spread across the floor, along with some glass shards from the shattered mirror. The sink was a horrifying sight; a bloody broken razor was gently placed on the edge of the sink with blood droplets splattered everywhere.

Kellin sat Anahi down on the tub and took out some towels before he kneeled beside her and cupped her face. "You're completely frozen." He said. She had no response and stared at nothing. His eyes shifted from Anahi to the bathtub. "Do you want me to set you up a bath?"

"Yea." She said so quietly that it was barely audible. Kellin did exactly that and made sure the water was hot enough for the stress to slide right off. "Stay. Please. Stay." She pleaded.

"Of course. I won't leave you if you don't want me to." Kellin assured. He sat there and waited for Anahi to do something, anything. He gulped and knew what he had to do.

He kneeled in front of her once again and gently picked up her foot, removing one sock at a time, the warmth of her skin heating up his hands. Kellin could feel the heat rising to his cheeks as he slowly slipped off Anahi's loose black Doors shirt. She stood up and let Kellin pull down her sweats, the scars on her legs meeting Kellin's eyes. He stood back up and stared at Anahi's eyes which stared at nothing. "Princess, lift your arms a little." He gently asked. She did what he asked and stood emotionless as he neared his body to hers and let his arms surround her, unclipping her bra and taking it off slowly. The clothes were all on the floor while Kellin gently removed her underwear. He held her hand while he helped her into the tub and watched her crouch down into the water.

The sounds of water splashing against the tub was the only thing audible while the poor girl curled into a ball and Kellin grabbed a wash cloth and some soap. He began by cupping the warm water in his hands and dropping it on her back, the warmth of the water taking the stress and pain away from her body. With using such care, Kellin picked up her mutilated arm and gently ran the wash cloth across her bloody red cuts. No sign of emotion appeared on her face as the globs of dried up blood slid right off her skin.

Moments later, each one of her cuts was left clean but still stung. Kellin couldn't help but stare at the blood arising once again as well as the red tint appearing in the water. Although this could have been considered sexual by how soft Kellin's hands ran throughout Anahi's naked body, it was instead caring and gentle. She just needed someone to hold her, someone to be there for her at her lowest state.

"Want something to eat?" Kellin asked.



Hey everyone! I wrote this piece way after I began writing the story so it's new. This story is currently under editing so there's obviously a lot of grammatical errors since I began writing this when I was 13 and I'm 15 now. So please be patient and thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy it! <3

Guy Next Door (Sleeping With Sirens)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant