Chapter 17: Tired

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I wrapped my arms around my naked waist as I stared down on the digital scale. The cold air hit my body, making me shiver. I was only on my bra and underwear. It's Saturday morning, 8am. I haven't weighed myself since Christmas break began and I've only done exercise Monday through Thursday.

I slowly stepped on the scale. 108 it read. My jaw clenched, anger coarsed through my body. "3 pounds. I gained 3 fuckin pounds." I said to myself, my voice shaking. "Three. Fuckin. Pounds." I stepped off the scale, my nails digging into my palms. I pulled my shirt above my head and my shorts on.

I stared at myself in the full length mirror. "You're so fat and weak. You're lazy and stupid. How could you let yourself go? Stupid idiot" the girl in mirror said to me. My breathing quickened, as I ran into the restroom and stared at myself in the small mirror. "Fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat. Fat! Fat! Fat!" I said to myself in the mirror each time louder and than the other. Beside me was a small glass circular mirror which I held in my fist tighter and tighter.

"Fat! Fat! FAT!" On the last time I said it I yelled it in the top of my lungs as I threw the small circular mirror at the full length mirror that my dad gave me. The mirror shattered into millions of pieces, falling to the ground along with the mirror I threw. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I fell to my knees on the bathroom title.

I crawled to the toilet and lifted the seat, shoving two fingers down my throat.

I flushed down the toilet and pulled my knees to my chest and cried, still feeling the cold air on my body. Until I felt warm arms around my waist, making6 me jump. I knew who it was. "Shhhh" Kellin whispered in my ear, holding my cold body close to his warm chest.

I pushed him away "how could you even like me! I'm disgusting!" I yelled at him

Hurt covered his eyes "what are you talking about? I've never found you like that. You're the most amazing person I've met." He said

"I'm disgusting. Why do you want a girl with problems when you can have a perfect beautiful girl!" I cried

"No I want you. You're perfect to me. I want no one else but you" he said, wrapping his arms around me. I shook my head and pushed him away

"No no. No you don't. You don't know what you're talking about. You don't want me. No one does so you shouldn't either" I sat in the corner

He crawled to me "that's not true. Where is this all coming from? I will always like you and care about you." He tried to look at me in the eyes but I turned my head away

"No that's not true. I don't believe you" I said

"What has gotten into you? You were ok last night. What happened" he asked

I stayed silent for a second "I gained three Fuckin pounds" my voice shook but I stared at the tile floor. I must of sounded like an idiot but it was a big deal to me.

He was silent for a second "you.... you need help. You need to see someone to help you with your disorder" he said quietly

"What?!" I yelled at him "I have no disorder! What are you talking about?!"

"You have an eating disorder. You need to get help before it's--" he began

"No I don't! I don't have an eating disorder!" I yelled, getting up. "What makes you think I do!? I'm perfectly fine!"

He held my shoulders and looked at me "you need to get help. You're.... sick"

"No I'm not!" I pushed him away "I'm perfectly--" I began but was interrupted by the front door opening

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