Friends? (Boyxboy)

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I've never written a bxb and this isn't really a chapter but I've attempted to! And this is full of attempts! And if you don't like bxb then just ignore this chapter or at least give this one a try! This is the prologue where they're five! I'm not going to make them hump like bunnies!? Just try it if you don't like it then ignore but please no hate. I have a fragile heart that can shatter with one insult. (Jk total the opposite of me. But if you hate I might hate on you and you DON'T WANT ME TO HATE ON YOU!!) so I love you all and happy reading. Let the book/story god bless your minds! Halalujah!!! (Hallelujah same difference.)



Lalalalallalalalalal! Skip skip skip skip skip!

Hmmmmmm. I wonder where Jackson is.

"Um Ashley." I ask the girl with the braids and ribbons at the end. It was very cliche considering she was wearing a plaid dress. And all the guys were fawning over her at the time but she looked away from the boys who were having a who can eat the most worms contest that I'm sure she was holding just to see if they really liked her enough. Yeah we were pretty smart for five year olds. I already knew my abc's, how to count to 100 and I can read. Jackson wasn't as talented though he was good at his abc's he could even say hem backwards! And read but he can't count to 100 so he keeps trying but he can only get to 49 before he messes up or just skips to 60 on accident.

"Yes Taylor?" Ashley says taking me away from my thoughts.

"Oh um I was wondering if you knew where Jackson was?"

"I thinks he's with Cathy my twin sister?"

"Oh. Um ok thanks." I don't know why I'm so nervous around Ashley. I don't have a crush on her since she does have cooties. And that's gross! Plus I'm dating Jackson to make sure!

@Kinda like a flash back but not really@

I don't know what dating means but Carmen came in one day saying that her mom has a boyfriend which was stupid because girls and boys can't be friends! They might infect each other with there cooties and die. Then Carmen was explains that cooties aren't real and her sister said that she loved her boyfriend and they might get married.

But I loved Jackson. He was my best friend and was like a brother to me of course I would love him! And he was a boy which I was sure of because I haven't died from his cooties. Plus I kept my fingers crossed half the time and Jackson gives me cootie shots all the time! So that proved that he must like me as a friend to so we can date to make sure that no girls try to give us their cooties since we have each other. And I took Jacky to the side during snack time and told up him about my plan to make sure we stayed cootie free.

"Yeah! We sure totally date Taylor that way we can get cooties!"

"Great so were dating now right?"

"Yep! Um since we're dating can we share food and stuff now?"

"Hmmmm yeah. Since I saw daddy feeding mommy the other day and then they would sneak food off each others plates and stuff. So we can share germs like mommy and daddy do because dating makes you invincible!"

"Oh well I'll give you some of my animal cookies for some of your juice box!"

"Sure!" Then he leaned in and kissed my cheek. So I blushed red like a fire truck. "Um w-why would you um do that." I touch my cheek cus it kinda felt nice that he kissed me.

"You said we could do stuff like mommy and daddy and my mom and dad kiss each other on the cheek." He was blushing a little now too! It was kinda funny.


And that was how the morning began and Jackson finished faster than me and went off to recess. And now I'm looking for him.

Possible stories i want to post also e statuses of my storiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora