Forbidden love

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This is another one with just the descriptions. Sorry!!

Forbidden love

Description: Izandra is the princess of ice which is so cool! Hehe get it cool ice.....yeah no. Any way she is also a rebel her body isn't only cold but also her personality well that is what she wants people to think so that all of the lame ice for brained boys will quit proposing to her. She is bored of her royal life so she decides to escape for the day! And go explore the human world a little.

Blaze is the fire kingdoms prince and every one thinks he is hot (no pun intended this time) if you we're to walk into there kingdom and see him you would melt. He is hot sexy strong fun sexy nice and the list goes on and on. No literally he has a fan club that started a list of all of his good traits last year. They still aren't done to this day and they already have a 10000000 page paper on it. Any way! He decided that since he was bored he could go for a walk in the human world!

I think we all know where this is going. But for those of you who are some what clueless of what I'm talking about I'll explain. They accidentally bump into each other and fall in L. O. V. E.!!!! But of course fire + ice= steam or water. So of course their love is forbidden

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