Note to just say some thing

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Ok so I'm not cocky or anything but just in case if any of you want to borrow or take an idea of mine please ask first or just dedicate it to me! Even if you mention my name I will be fine with it unless I find it offensive or feel like you've abused my kindness and used it without my permission then I will get mad and hunt you don't get my ninja friends and torture you with unicorn farts until you die. (Who knows what story I got that from get extra points!! And a dedication!(;)

Any way I understand that some of what i write may not be preferred by every one and i except everyones opinion but i dont like hatred. Ok. I hate hate. if that makes sense.... any way please dont hate on my story's if you dont like it please ignore it. Unless its a human being or a living creature then express your feeling in a positive way because you never know when they'll be gone and then it will be to late and you will never get them back again. i dont know this from a personal level but i just know ok. and if you really want to hate them pm me. i will take your complaints or whatever.

ok i feel like i have put to much envasis on the hate now to the love! I love you all! and when i wrote this sentence i felt like i was high even though i dont do drugs. haha! *serious face and ghetto voice* Im not kidding man they F up yo body brah and dat aint 'cool' or wat eva da fluck you tryin to do looking like a crack head off sesame street. gosh. i just let laquifa out for a second. got scared dat hoe puts the ghe in ghetto and i had to hold her back some.

any way where was i... OH! I love you all my little duckies! even though i probably wont know who you are and i wrote/posted all the stories from her and up in one day! ok i didnt write them i already had these but i did add some stuff. i had a major head ache these past few days and i havent been updating anything because I have a life if you can believe it. *tears up a little* finally i got a life after years of being alone with crappy hoes and bishes who were my fake friends so tha i wont look like a loner (no offense to the loners and the people with out a life. your just to awesome to hang out with others. its ok i understand. i use to be like that but i found people who worship my awesomeness. sorry.) I finally found people who i actually like!! well at first i hated all of them at different points at time but now i love them all! not giving up on my stories though they are my babies! giving up on them would be like leaving your child in a garbage bin! ok well i am giving up on some of them for a while but im coming back for them! so basically im leaving my child alone at the park to get them some ice cream! thats all! ^_^

Plus I have a lot of stress right now. A stress ful life full of chocolate and my mom thinking I'm anorexic even though I'm not and chocolate. Yes I'm finally starting to like chocolate! Hallelujah! We're all going to church! Jk since I really don't wanna but I do love god and have been I'm just not a overly religious person is all. :l

I ❤ you all! (The thing between I and you is a heart. Of it doesn't show just know it was a heart.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2013 ⏰

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