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I woke up because of my phone. I groaned, turning on my phone only to see 52 missed calls.

21 calls from Taehyung, 10 calls from Namjoon, 5 calls from Jungkook, 3 calls from Hoseok, 8 calls from Jin and 5 calls from Yoongi.

They are crazy. Really crazy.

Eunsoo woke up, she stretched and rubbed her eyes.

"Did we sleep here last night?" She asked the obvious.

"No, we didn't.. Why else would we be here right now?" I said chuckling.

"Can't believe we fell asleep." She said and I nodded in agreement.

"I need to call the rest, I had 52 missed calls from them." I told her and called Taehyung since he called the most.

He answered after a few rings.

"Where have you been with Eunsoo?! We were so worried about you two."

"Sorry about that.. We fell asleep out but we will go home now. See you." I hung up before he could respond.

"Let's go." I told Eunsoo and helped her stand up.

We both went inside the car and I started the engine when she suddenly got startled.

"What?" I ask her worriedly.

"What about the petals and the candles?" She asked, worriedly.

"It's ok.. I will clean it up later."

"Are you sure? We can just clean it up together now."

"It's fine. The rest are worried about us, we should get back as soon as possible." She nodded.

We reached home and we saw everyone else sitting on the couch, watching television.

"Yah, did you guys want my phone to explode from all the calling or what?" I asked and threw the pillow at Taehyung.

"You. You called me 21 times, are you crazy?" I said to him.

"I was just worried about you.. Or should I say Eunsoo." He replied.

"You should care about your hyung too!" I shouted teasingly.

"Too bad. Only Eunsoo gets my concern." He said and stuck his tongue out.

"Eunsoo, change into jeans and a shirt. I will bring you somewhere you'll like." I said, having a plan in mind.

Taehyung frowned upon hearing that.

"We just came back home though.." She whined.

"No protesting."

"Fine.. Give me a minute." She said and went upstairs to change.

I just sat on the couch with the rest since I was already in jeans.

Eunsoo came downstairs in jeans and a plain t-shirt, I waved goodbye to the boys and opened the car door for Eunsoo.

I got in the driver seats and blindfolded her to give her a surprise.

Why am I doing so much for her? Do I like her? No way, Minah...

No.. wait, I don't know.

I keep saying I love Minah a lot but if Minah comes back, I wouldn't know what to do with her either.

But for Eunsoo, I am willing to do anything for her just to make her happy.

"Where are we going?" Eunsoo asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"It's a surprise."

I drove to a horse stable and helped her out of the car.

I opened her blindfold and her mouth opened widely.

She was smiling like she had won lottery, or something even better. So cute. Even little things like this make her so happy.

I knew she likes animals so I decided to bring her here.

I dragged her to where a horse was and gave her a helmet and wore one on my head.

"What are the helmets for?" She asked, looking confused.

"We are going to ride this horse." I said and pointed to a big white horse with black spots on it's body.

"It's so cute!" She shrieked and I laughed at her cuteness.

"I named it Eunmin." I told her.

"Why that name?" She asked curiously.

"It's our name when we combine it. I think it's pretty nice so I named the horse that, hope you don't mind. I can change it if you don't like it!"

"Ohh, I see. It's fine, I like it. Is Eunmin your horse?"

"Nope, I wish she was. The owner of this horse stable is my uncle so he always lets me have Eunmin."

I held Eunmin's leash and opened it's stable's gate.

I stroked Eunmin's hair and I jumped onto it's back.

"Get up here!" I said, stretching out my hand for Eunsoo to grab it.

She grabbed it and hopped onto the back of the horse with me.

She was very light so I guess it was okay for Eunmin.

"Hold onto my waist, Eunmin walks pretty fast sometimes." She did what I told her to and held onto my waist.

Eunmin started walking around the place. I liked the feeling of Eunsoo holding onto me.

We got tired and we both jumped down of Eunmin's back. I bring Eunmin back into her stable.

"How was it?" I ask.

"It was really fun. I enjoyed it a lot. thank you for bringing me here." She said and waved to Eunmin.

"No problem, anything for you." I smile.


My life sucks. Ever since I've moved to Australia, I needed to go to school and at the same time, help out at my parent's company.

I miss Jimin a lot. Does he?

"Minah-ah! Could you come downstairs? Your mother and I needs to talk to you about something." My dad shouted.

I went downstairs and saw my parents sitting on the couch, frowning.

My dad handed me a letter. I opened it and read what it said. I frowned when I saw the letter's contents.

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