21; | divource already? |

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I'm moving in to my old house with Minah today, I hate that woman.

I texted her.

To: Lee Minah
I'll come to your house and fetch you, don't come over.

After 10 minutes, still no reply. I decided to just go to Minah's house to fetch her since I'm done packing.

I went downstairs and no one was there. I shouted, "Guys! I'm leaving already! Keep in contact, I'll come and visit when I'm free!"

Oh wait, I just realized that they all went to school already, stupid me.

I was walking to the door to open it when the door swung open.

"Hey hubby!" The person who opened the door was Minah.

Ugh.. I told her to wait for me at her house..

"What are you doing here? I told you to wait at your house." I asked but she just pouted.

So ugly, Eunsoo looks so much cuter when she pouts.

"Nevermind. Now that you're here, I don't have to waste my time and go over to your house to fetch you." I said and walked out of the house, pushing Minah out too and closed the door.

"By the way, stop trying to look cute because you look worse than you already look." I said coldly. She just crossed her arms and ignored me, lol.

How dare he say that!? I shall ignore him, he will apologize for sure.

After like 25 minutes, he still didn't try to talk to me, not even once.

"Yahh! Do you even care about me? I've been ignoring you but you don't even seem to care!" I asked, annoyed.

He didn't reply and he went into the car. I got in too and he drove to his old house.

"Say something! Do you want me divource you or something? Because I think I will divource you soon if you continue acting like that!" I said out of anger, I won't divource Jimin no matter what.

"As you wish. I want to divource you anyway, if you don't get a divource with me, I will. Continue acting like that and you'll have a fatherless child." He replied and we reached his house.

"I'm sorry Jiminnie~ I didn't mean it, please don't get a divource with me~" I said, almost begging.

Jimin just nodded and said, "Then stop acting like that—and stop calling me Jiminnie, the only person who can call me that is Eunsoo."

He pressed the doorbell.

Did I heard correctly!? What's so good about her? I'm much better than her, in terms of looks, personality, family background and all!

Jimin's taste in girls have dropped drastically!

I heard the doorbell ring, I went to the door and opened it.

I saw my son, Jimin and his wife, Minah standing there.

To be honest, I know Jimin doesn't love Minah but his mother doesn't know.

His mother only knows that Minah is pregnant so they needed to get married as soon as possible.

I don't really like Minah either.

I welcomed them in and gave them their keys. I showed them where their room was and settled everything with them.

Jimin's mother, Jimin, Minah and I sat on the sofa and started a convo.

"So, my dear daughter-in-law, what do you think of our house?" My wife asked.

"To be very honest, I hate this house, it's so small and dirty!" Minah said and flipped her hair. I clenched my fists, how dare she say that!

"Move out if you're not happy, we don't really welcome you in our house anyways." I said angrily

"Nah, I will stay here for Jimin's sake." She said and played with her nails.

"Dears, don't argue. Jimin-ah, did you tell your teacher that you couldn't go to school today?" My wife asked.

"Yes, mom."

"Tomorrow when you go to school, ask your principal if Minah can transfer to your school." She said and smiled warmly.

Are you kidding me? She wants Minah to transfer to the same school as me? No way.

"Sure." I lied and fake smiled.

When Minah and my mother wasn't looking, I quickly winked to my dad.

I woke up and went to school, Minah asked me to fetch her to her school but I ignored her and left on my own.

"Remember to ask your principal if I can transfer to your school, baby!" That was the last thing she said to me.

I was walking towards the school gate when I saw BTS walking with Eunsoo and Taehyung.

Taehyung and Eunsoo were holding hands, entering school together.

Taehyung, you are a really lucky guy.
Take good care of Eunsoo.

I waited a few minutes so I wouldn't see them because things would get awkward.

I miss the good old times.

After I couldn't see them I entered the school.

I will lie to my mother and Minah that I have asked the principal if Minah could transfer but he said the school can't take anymore transfers.

I'm a genius.

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