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After returning home from the horse stable, I took a shower to freshen up myself and went to my room.

I'm so confused.. Jimin's smile and everything he does always makes my heart flutter.

Is this love.. or infatuation?

I felt this way for Taehyung when I was pretending to be his girlfriend too.

Tomorrow is Jimin's birthday.

The boys told me about the surprise they were planning and I promised to help them.

Their plan was for all of us to act like we forgot it was his birthday.

Then I will have to bring him out while the rest decorate the house and then when they're done, I will leave Jimin at the shopping mall alone and then go back to our house.

Namjoon and Yoongi had bought all the things necessary when Jimin and I were out just now.


Today is my birthday.

I think BTS and Eunsoo have forgotten about it though, they didn't mention anything about my birthday at all yesterday.

Oh wait, Eunsoo doesn't know when's my birthday.

Great. I think i'll just spend my birthday as a normal day.

When is Eunsoo going to fall for me? I've been trying my best to make her fall for me and in the process of doing so, I think I have started to fall in love with her.

I love Minah.. But I think I love Eunsoo too. What do I do..

I walked to the living room and saw Eunsoo sitting alone on the couch, switching channels on the television.

"Are you bored?" I ask her.

"Yeah.. Did you just wake up?"

"Yea, where's the rest?" I said.

"They're still sleeping, I wanna go out with them but they're still dead asleep so I'm alone here." She replied, pouting.

"Then shall we go out together?" I asked her.

"Sure!! Shall we go to a mall for shopping?" She replied excitedly.

"Alright. I'll go get ready." I say and go to the toilet and wash up.

He went to the toilet to get ready. I quickly went to my room and wore a simple hoodie with ripped jeans.

I quickly texted Taehyung that we are going out soon and told him to tell the others that they can start decorating the place soon.

I went out of my room and saw Jimin wearing a black t-shirt with jeans. He dressed slightly different today.

"Wow. What's the occasion today? You usually wear a hoodie and sweatpants." I teased.

"Nothing." He replied, rubbing his nape. Heh. Birthday boy tryna look good?

"Let's walk to the mall instead of driving today!" I suggested and he nodded.

I decided to make him go shopping with me to give more time to the boys to decorate the house.

All of us were already awake but we pretended to sleep infront of Jimin.

When I received the text, I immediately told the others.

We all changed from our nightwear and started decorating the house.

Jin cooked simple food and we finished decorating.

I texted Eunsoo that she can leave Jimin at the mall and come home now.

After a few minutes, Eunsoo came back home.

"Wow. You guys are so efficient." She said, looking around.

"Jimin didn't suspect anything. I told him I needed to go to the toilet and came back."

Eunsoo have gone to the toilet for already 15 minutes, where is she?

Suddenly, my phone rang. It was Eunsoo calling.

"Hey, where are you?"

"Jimin-ah, sorry for making you wait but I saw my old friend and I went to her house to catch-up with her. Can you go back home yourself? I'm so sorry!"

How could she leave me alone here.. It's my birthday.. Oh wait, she doesn't know.

"No worries. I will go home now." I said and hung up, disappointed.

I went out of the mall and was walking home when I bumped into someone.

"Sorry." I said and wanted to walk off but the person grabbed my wrist.

"Jimin?" I looked at the person and was greeted by a familiar pair of eyes that I have been longing to see.

"Minah!" I exclaimed and hugged her. "Why did you leave without saying anything??"

"Can we go somewhere and talk?" She asked and I nodded eagerly.

"Why not we go to my house and talk?" She nodded and I walked with her to my house.

I arrived in Korea. I immediately took a cab to where Jimin and the boys stayed.

I was walking to their house when I bumped into someone.

"Sorry." The person said. I looked up and saw the boy I love.

Coincidence? More like fate.

Jimin looked at me and exclaimed, "Minah!" He hugged me.

We were at me and BTS' shared apartment's doorstep.

I opened the door and party poppers were popped.

I saw Eunsoo and BTS infront of me. They shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIMIN!"

I was so happy. Especially because Eunsoo was there too. She knew it's my birthday.

So she didn't leave me there on purpose.

"T-Thank you. I thought you guys forgot." I said, flustered.

I totally forgot about Minah who was starting behind me.

"Oh! Minah is here too. She just came back to Korea today." I said.

Minah stepped forward and greeted them. I saw Eunsoo's facial expression change.

"Who is she?" Minah asked, raising an eyebrow, pointing at Eunsoo.

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