Chapter Two

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As I was walking to class, the song Fallen Angel by Three Days Grace, started playing in my head. Random songs pop into my head at random times.

I started wondering about Brittany and what happened last night. She said that she was going out but that could mean anything.

As usual I was walking with my head down so, it was just my luck that I ran into someone's open locker.

"Ow," I muttered to myself.  The person shut their locker. "Oh my gosh," a guy's voice said.  "Are you okay?"

I looked up to see the guy's face. He was a whole head taller then me, golden hair, brilliant blue eyes, muscular surfer body, perfect California tan, strawberry pink lips, and a bridge of light brown freckles across his nose and under his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked again because I was too busy staring at him to answer.

"Uh yeah," I stuttered.

"You sure? Your nose is bleeding. I could take you to the nurse. It's not a problem," he said concerned but I could barely hear him because he was talking too fast.

The bell rang but he was still standing there in front of me. "I'm fine," I said and walked on to home room.

All day I thought about the handsome stranger. I never told anyone I am gay and I wasn't going to. I was hoping that I would run into him again but I didn't.

When I got home my best friend Riley came over. We stayed outside swing set. Everyone thinks that we are dating but she is bisexual and I am gay. Not that anyone knows that.

"So Trinity is so hot," Riley said, her face blood red. "Jake her younger brother is also hot. Also his girlfriend Patricia is pretty cute."

She went on and on taking about people that she had a crush on. I was dragging my feet on the ground, not listening to her.

She punched my arm. "Ow," I said because she punches hard. "What was that for?"

She rolled her eyes. "I asked you a question," she says and I can hear the irritation in her voice. "Who do you like?" 

I could feel the heat rising to my face as I thought of the blonde haired boy. Riley smiled and I knew that she saw I was blushing. Riley didn't know I was gay and I planned to keep it that way.

Lucky for me her phone rang and she had to leave. "You are telling me later!" She called as she got in her sister's car. 

Brittany came home that night dressed like a hooker from New York. She went straight to her room and slammed the door behind her. Marine ordered a pizza and gave some to me and Hayley. I guess Brittany didn't want any, she never came out of her room. I ate dinner in my room that night.

As I finished dinner and realized that I never got the boy's name. I took my plate to the kitchen and put it in the sink. I went to my room and locked the door.

I undressed in front of the mirror. I stood there in my boxers staring at my reflection. Black shaggy hair covered my dark eyes. I don't have a tan, I am actually kind of pale. I don't have a muscular body but I'm not really scrawny. I am short though. I'm fifteen almost sixteen but I am only 5'6. Hayley who is thirteen almost fourteen is 5'5.

Finally I couldn't stand seeing myself anymore so I put on an old t-shirt and went to bed.

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